View Full Version : Hello all, what kind of snake is this ???

06-19-16, 11:08 PM
Hello all! So I was walking along today and found this snake on a pillar. It didn't have a rattle on the tip of its tail so I got somewhat close to snap a pic, any ideas? This was in Austin TX btw. Thanks all!

06-20-16, 02:53 AM
Looks like a young Texas Ratsnake.

06-20-16, 03:35 AM
You kill it? It looks like a dead snake...

06-20-16, 04:50 AM
You kill it? It looks like a dead snake...

It looks like it's triyng to climb the wall to me!

06-20-16, 05:12 AM
It looks like it's triyng to climb the wall to me!

Oh... Now I see) Good.
In our contry people kill almost all the snake that they are meet... :(:(:(
And then show the foto with dead snake and a quastion "what kind of snake is this?" :unibrow:

06-20-16, 08:22 AM
Hello Z3R3P. What you have there is a Western Rat Snake (Pantherophis obsoletus). Formerly known as and still commonly called a Texas Rat Snake (Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri). It is harmless/nonvenomous, and, as we can see here, an excellent climber. Nice find, thanks for sharing.

06-21-16, 06:50 AM
Thank you for all the responses! I did not kill the little guy, heck I can't even find it in me to kill insects most of the time. xD He was just climbing that pillar minding his own business and didn't seem threatening at all. Thanks again all!