View Full Version : The long wait...

Albert Clark
06-14-16, 09:56 AM
is finally over and 2 years trying to pair up my female blue puget sound garter with unavailable males. Thanks and heartfelt gratitude go out to Steven Bol who is the captive bred breeder. And also to Mike Fedzen who actually was instrumental in making it a reality to acquire this male without added red tape.
The garter is now in his quarantine tub and settling down and in to his new home. He is a bit over 1 year old and ready to be conditioned to breed. I am just soooo happy to have this little famous animal.

06-14-16, 11:42 AM
Congrats Albert! Hope the breeding finally works out for you.

06-14-16, 12:58 PM
hope everything goes your way, al. beautiful snake!

06-14-16, 01:40 PM
Nice! Love seeing snakes that are out of the norm. Good luck with the project.

06-14-16, 01:44 PM
Congrats! :)

dave himself
06-14-16, 02:36 PM
Fingers and toes crossed for you Albert

Albert Clark
06-14-16, 04:36 PM
Congrats Albert! Hope the breeding finally works out for you.
Thanks! Long time coming. I am really stoked about this project.
hope everything goes your way, al. beautiful snake!
Thank you mac. Gonna try to keep every animal healthy.
Nice! Love seeing snakes that are out of the norm. Good luck with the project.
Tyvm em! The great thing about this pair is there is absolutely no possibility of being related.
Congrats! :)
Thank you SS! I appreciate that.
Fingers and toes crossed for you Albert
Thanks mate! That means a lot.

06-14-16, 09:52 PM
Congrats! Really nice addition!

Albert Clark
06-15-16, 06:25 AM
Congrats! Really nice addition!

Thanks bsg! This young adult is a proven breeder according to Steven Bol. I am so excited to have him. Exported from the Netherlands where Steven Bol's facility is was made very easy with the help of Mike Fedzen who took this picture at his facility. The garter is so fast too! Almost appears to be flying and leaves me something to remember him by with the musk. He is however very manageable but while looking him over in the bright light is when he seemed to get a bit flighty. He is a great looking specimen.

Albert Clark
06-15-16, 10:42 AM
The quarantine duration is going to kill me bc i just want to introduce him to the female.

06-15-16, 04:13 PM
There's a breeder up here who has been able to track down a trio of these guys and will be working with them soon. Not into them myself, but I know that they are very highly coveted in our hobby. Good stuff, Albert!

06-15-16, 09:35 PM
Awesome Albert! Remember I really wanted one?! ha ha I feel so bad I cant buy one of your future baby's cos I live in Paraguay! I really hoppe I can have on some day! there my favorite Garters!

Albert Clark
06-16-16, 04:05 AM
There's a breeder up here who has been able to track down a trio of these guys and will be working with them soon. Not into them myself, but I know that they are very highly coveted in our hobby. Good stuff, Albert!
Wow! That's nice to know Andy. The blue puget sound garter is a protected species on the state level in Washington. There are a few breeders who have some captive bred groups. I've heard it's somewhat challenging getting them to breed in captivity unlike your typical garters. However Steven Bol has given me some tips and is a resource of information. As is Mike Fedzen. Also, collecting them from the wild is illegal unless you have a permit showing the collected animal will be part of a research, educational and or scientific purpose. The application for permits are scrutinized in the state of Washinton FWS.
Awesome Albert! Remember I really wanted one?! ha ha I feel so bad I cant buy one of your future baby's cos I live in Paraguay! I really hoppe I can have on some day! there my favorite Garters!
I remember Alex how you really wanted the blue pugets when you saw my female. Haha. If I am successful I will work with you on that for sure. In the meantime, why don't you reach out to Stevenbolgartersnakes and see what he can do? He is in the Netherlands.

Albert Clark
08-29-16, 11:57 AM
Well, this guy has been doing amazing and has almost completed his quarantine cycle. He is all I wanted in a blue puget sound garter and can't wait to let him get familiar with his girlfriend. This project has been a work in progress for some time.

Albert Clark
08-29-16, 11:59 AM
This is his girlfriend who has been patiently waiting. Lol. She actually has been on a slim fast calorie watch in preparation for meeting him. Of course they both have to be conditioned for brumation and then put down (cooled)..

08-29-16, 12:49 PM
Oh wow! That's amazing!!! Sounds a bit like my future endevor though my trouble may be infinding a female lol.

Keep me in mind buddy! ;D

Albert Clark
08-29-16, 02:02 PM
Oh wow! That's amazing!!! Sounds a bit like my future endevor though my trouble may be infinding a female lol.

Keep me in mind buddy! ;D

No worries Mink! I will have a female for you if I am successful with the project. They both are proven breeders just that the male is a 2015 and the girl is a 2009. She probably will have quite a few scrubs. (Hatchlings)

08-29-16, 02:06 PM
Oh. I was talking about a non-garter project hehe.

But I am certainly looking forward to several of your babies!

Of it works out like I think, the 1st pair should be about ready right when I'm done paying off my current acquisitions!

Albert Clark
08-29-16, 02:08 PM
Ohhhhhh! Gotcha. Lol. Thank you.