View Full Version : Ackie Monitor help.

06-09-16, 08:32 AM
Hey guys i recently noticed a weird growth/scab on my red Ackies right rear foot. it appears to be like a hard buldge that is protruding from the upper part of its foot and has a scaby appearance. she is still very active and eating well. i handled her maybe 2 weeks ago and this was not present. ive attached some photos so maybe someone can identify the problem and recommend a solution?

06-13-16, 06:29 PM
I have a savannah monitor that somehow cut his back foot. The wound developed an abscess... which strongly resembles your ackie's foot. The only treatment is a vet visit so they can evaluate the wound, determine an appropriate course of antibiotics, and decide whether debridement or surgery is necessary.

If there's surgery involved, I recommend horse leg wrap bandages. They adhere to themselves and my monitor couldn't get it off his foot.