View Full Version : Astro Turf

02-23-03, 11:01 PM
Has any one used that green astro turf carpeting stuff in their viv's? The plastic fake grass looking stuff. (I think you can get it in brown & blue too.)

I have just built a new viv for my BCI and was thinking about cutting about 4 pieces to fit and just changing them out after every stool or once a week or something. I'd rotate a new piece in and then clean the soiled one that came out. With 4 of them I should always have a clean one ready to go after anything got on it. What is the best way to clean that stuff?

Any advice?


02-23-03, 11:33 PM
we have astro turf in 2 of our baby corn enclosures. to clean them we just put them in the sink with a mild soap and rub them together. then we rinse them off and let them air dry

Snake Lady
02-24-03, 12:18 AM
Astro turf makes cages looks really nice but you have to be careful cause if its not cleaned properly it could be excellent bacteria breeding grounds...but to do it the way your describing it should work fine.

lucie :)