View Full Version : Hello! (Also, ball python morph question)

06-06-16, 10:59 AM
I'm a long time reptile enthusiast and first time reptile owner. I recently bought a ball python, and he is my pride and joy (pretty sure he is a male, but I am going to have him probed by an experienced family friend just to make sure). I am excited to be a part of this website. I'm sure I'll learn so much! This is my first post, and along with my introduction, I wanted to ask about my python's morph. I have been looking up pictures for every morph that looks similar to him, and I'm honestly not sure. I think he looks like some kind of lemon blast, but I'd like some input! What do you all think he is?

06-06-16, 03:08 PM
Just a nice coloured pinstripe.

06-06-16, 07:54 PM
http://i.imgur.com/gzz1tVV.gif Welcome, welcome! http://i.imgur.com/gzz1tVV.gif

Darn good lookin' BP! I dream of one day having a cool BP morph.

06-06-16, 08:52 PM
Very nice! Welcome to the party.

Albert Clark
06-07-16, 06:47 AM

06-07-16, 07:05 AM
Thank you for your replies! I was losing my mind trying to find out what he was.