View Full Version : Newest addtion to my Pit family - Baja Gopher Snake
06-02-16, 11:22 PM
Hey yall,
I can't seem to resist the draw of these Pits hahaha. I'd been looking at cape gophers for sometime as their natural coloring is just beautiful. There isn't gobs of info on them, but it appears their care is simple and keeping them just a touch cooler with a hot spot around 82 is healthy for them.
He's just a dead calm boy, and more curious than afraid. Tolerated some handling to look for mites and grab some pics. He's a good weight at 123 grams beating out Bellatrix who just weighed in at 91 g.
I'm enjoying seeing all my snakes growing but the pits especially have this way of looking huger and hungrier every time you check on them haha.
On a side note of good luck. I was checking out Big Cheese Rodents after all the good feedback I've been reading and it turns out they're located about 10-15 mins from our new place and take pick up orders of $25 or more. Sweet!
All the best yall, here some quick shots of the new dude..... I'm really stumped on a name for him. ( ( ( (
06-02-16, 11:50 PM
What a cherry! I'm turning into a big pit fan myself. Keep the pictures coming! Congratulations Humble.
06-03-16, 12:11 AM
Great colors on that one. I know what you mean about the bigger and hungrier part too. My baby bull snake is taking two f/t rat pinks and looking for more, will be moving him up to fuzzy rats soon. Considering I've only had that one a couple months the growth rate is amazing. Same curious, almost friendly attitude too. Will come right out when he sees movement around the front of the cage, hoping I'm bringing more food, lol.
EL Ziggy
06-03-16, 07:44 AM
Congrats on your newest gem there Humble. Pits are the next best thing to carpets imo :). Their colors, size, temperament, monster appetites, and ease of care make them great critters to keep. I provide a warm spot of about 84 and they rarely use it. I know other keepers that don't offer any supplemental heat at all for them. Don't be stingy with the food with them either. I always say they're not your average colubrid :).
06-03-16, 09:20 AM
dear humble, very nice! for some reason the name REGAL came into my mind. he reminds me of those bracelets kings used to wear.
06-04-16, 09:37 AM
Thanks yall for the kind words. My poor girl friend keeps asking how the heck much bigger these pits are going get and I just say "Oh about yay tall" and hold my hand a little over my head. She goes white every time haha.
TNB I'm at a bit of a crossroads with my pits at this point of switching them over to rats or sticking with mice for one more cycle. The size to quantity and cost ratio is leaning in the mices favor at this point. I was a little worried about the switch but they just eat anything lol.
06-04-16, 09:45 AM
They've been great so far. I just went and checked out your post on Trinity, you must have snuck that one in hahaha. A carpet or woma is still on my short list but I've found this house we're renting to be a bit wanting for space. But nearly every person I talk to raves about carpets.
I'm in that tough spot of wanting to keep a little bit of EVERYTHING haha. But 5 right now is plenty. All the best
EL Ziggy
06-04-16, 09:50 AM
@ Humble- Yeah, Trinity took me by surprise too. I had no intention of buying a new snake at the time. I'm working on my impulse control. As long as you know your pits will take rats it's cool to feed them mice when they're little. Like you said they're not usually picky eaters at all. I feed mine mice, rats, and chicks. As they get larger you'll definitely want them on rats. My female eats a 200-250g large rat each feeding. That would be like eight 30g jumbo mice. My snakes seem to grow faster on rats too.
06-04-16, 11:55 AM
@ Humble- Yeah, Trinity took me by surprise too. I had no intention of buying a new snake at the time. I'm working on my impulse control. As long as you know your pits will take rats it's cool to feed them mice when they're little. Like you said they're not usually picky eaters at all. I feed mine mice, rats, and chicks. As they get larger you'll definitely want them on rats. My female eats a 200-250g large rat each feeding. That would be like eight 30g jumbo mice. My snakes seem to grow faster on rats too.
Haha it happens to us all I think. I've been more or less going with prey 10% of their weight although I feel like that's fairly conservative.
How has S'ven been doing for you, he looks great!
EL Ziggy
06-04-16, 03:35 PM
H- 10% of body weight is fine. Slow and steady wins the race. That's about what I feed my bulls too. I do tend to feed my young snakes a bit more liberally, especially my carpets and pits, then I dial them back when they turn about two.
S'ven was actually confiscated from me earlier today. After he got out of QT I had him in one half of a T8 with my JCP Shredder and Trinity went in the QT tub. That was about 6 weeks ago. When I was cleaning her tub today my son who's six says, "Its time for Trinity to go and I want S'ven back in my room. He can be my snake now." Needless to say I thoroughly cleaned both enclosures and switched occupants. :)
06-06-16, 08:21 PM
Ha-ha that's pretty funny and awesome that keeping snakes is something yall can share.
06-07-16, 07:53 AM
Colours are gorgeous! I've considered pits in the past, they seem like nice snakes to own.
Albert Clark
06-08-16, 05:54 AM
Great pickup! I love that contrasting coloration on the lower third of his body. Haha.
07-07-16, 10:56 PM
Thanks yall! Here are some updated pics of him after a fresh shed today. At his size I'm really starting to feel the pit muscle. He's been settling in pretty well and taking down 15g rat fuzzies even in blue. I may order him a T8 in a few months as he's outgrowing his 20L tank. Still no name, I'm thinking of just calling him Baja...:D ( ( (
EL Ziggy
07-07-16, 11:29 PM
Your Pit is growing nicely and looking good Humble. I like the names Blade, Blaze, and Perseus.
:yes:Man, you're making me jealous with all your beautiful pits. :yes:
07-08-16, 11:33 AM
:yes:Man, you're making me jealous with all your beautiful pits. :yes:
:D. The little rascal got out somehow last night. So tonight I'll start the great gopher hunt :(
07-08-16, 11:49 AM
Thanks EZ! I think I'm done with new snakes for awhile. . I may be adding a black tail cribo sometime next year but Gonna let these guys grow out and just enjoy them :D
:D. The little rascal got out somehow last night. So tonight I'll start the great gopher hunt :(
Oh man. I really hope you find it soon! Good luck
07-08-16, 05:11 PM
Whew, found him chilling behind some boxes less than a foot away on the floor. Don't think the critter cage lid snapped all the way...user error I'm sure.:rolleyes:
He took a rat fuzzy within a couple mins of being back in his abode. ( (
Awesome!!!! So happy to hear you found him.
Ian of Oldham
07-09-16, 12:50 AM
Glad you found him. My royal got out on night and she was at the back of my wall heater, she cannot get there now. I took the heater of the wall but she still goes to it and look upset now there is no ware to hide
2 Royals 1 Corn 1Boa and a mad Cat 1 Hog on its way
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