View Full Version : Making my own Racks

06-01-16, 04:07 PM
So. as my obsession is growing, I'm interested in getting more hognoses and eventually breeding. (I find genetics completely fascinating, but I know I have a lot of research to do, so thats a year or so from now) So I have a very small apartment so I'm looking at space efficiency. We already have the exoterra that is medium low which is 24" x 18" x 12" for my current female. Its big for her now (she is ~61g), but it should be fine for her when she is full grown.

So I found someone getting rid of their reptile collection and I'm looking at getting two of their hognoses. They are both about 45g right now. I have been trying to find an economical way to keep them in a smaller space area. So I want something that I can stack and is easily managed.

I recently found these at the container store:
Clear Shirt & Accessory Drawer | The Container Store (http://www.containerstore.com/s/closet/drawers/clear-shirt-accessory-drawer/12d?productId=10004578)

Its a pull out drawer and the sides of the contain have a very very small gap that a snake cannot fit through, but its not completely sealed so it has some ventilation. I have figured out a way to keep it locked and shut. I have a divider to make two sections as well. They are stack-able.

The thing I worry about is heating. I can get tape or a heating pad, but I'm unsure is the material might be bad or melt. I'm thinking about just getting some sort of heating material today and seeing how the material does for a few days with no reptiles. If I have any that grow too large I'm planning on building a custom display case eventually. I figure I have two years before they reach that size.

Any thoughts on if this is a bad?

06-01-16, 04:19 PM
It sounds like a cool build to me. The link tells you the material and you can look up info on melting point and if it's safe for keeping reptiles. I always worry even if plastic doesn't melt that heat will make it emit stuff toxic junk, but I haven't looked anything up to verify my fear.

My question with these drawers is do they slide on rails? It kinda looks like there are plastic rails underneath which may make it a pain to put in heat tape on the bottom cuz it'll crease and bend. I'm sure you can find a work around on it though.

06-01-16, 05:00 PM
It's possible it may work, without examining it in person I couldn't say. Having said that, rack building isn't rocket science and you can easily DIY yourself a rack using any number of online walk throughs. Whether or not DIY are worth it depends on a few things like how many racks you need and the size of the tubs. If the tubs are 41qt or less (I believe you said hognose so they would be) and you don't need dozens, I would buy a professionally built rack. When you need dozens, then the cost savings is more appealing to DIY. Also very large (1996 size) racks are generally worth DIYing due to the cost savings. Pretty much trying to use something built for another purpose (without significant modifications) is generally a bad idea I think... it's possible it may work or could turn out to be a very bad idea.

06-01-16, 05:09 PM
You can get a case of three drawers for 60 bucks. Polystyrene has a relatively low melting point from what I remember though.

06-01-16, 11:24 PM
So with a little research polystyrene has a melting point of 464*F and is used in food wrapping. Some reptile enclosure equipment like bowls are made out of it. So I don't think it's toxic and I imagine that its not going to melt, I think the snakes would die before it would melt.

A test with using a heat pad underneath had the hot side at 91*F and the cold at 75*F. That was without substrate, I need a new test with the substrate inside.

The thing I do like about these is that it is a visible enclosure. You can see the enclosure and the reptile inside. The typical drawer and racks you have to open to see your reptile.

Here is a look at how it is going to look. I'm planning on right now having two 40-50g snakes, and when they grow bigger I will remove the divider and they will get their own. Do I have anything to worry about with them seeing each other? One will be male the other female.

06-02-16, 12:09 AM
Looks cool. Take pics when you have it set up!

06-02-16, 07:52 AM
Part of the idea behind having a rack besides the saving of space is to increase the feeling of security for the captive by reducing visibility just as you mentioned. If we can see them from all sides or they can see us from all sides, this greatly reduces that. Although what you have there is very aesthetically pleasing, I am not confident that a baby snake will feel secure in there...especially hognose babies who will feed sporadically if insecure. May as well give it a shot, though!

06-02-16, 09:54 AM
Andy is right about security. I recently put my carpet in a wooden enclosure instead of a glass tank and I've noticed a change in his attitude. He's now the most chill snake I've handled. He even let me pet his head without flinching.

06-02-16, 02:50 PM
Andy you make a good point. I didn't think about that. My current hognose didn't have a problem so it didn't cross my mind. So I plan on having the cages in a kind of nook. So they will have a wall behind them and on one side with a dresser on the other. The only open space will be the front and they are in a low traffic area.

Do you think a shelving unit around them might help so it looks like its all enclosed? I'm sure I could find something at a yard sale.

06-02-16, 03:00 PM
It would certainly help a bit. Whatever you can do to reduce what they see as far as open space is concerned will reduce their stress.

06-03-16, 12:19 AM
Okay so another of how it will eventually be set up. They will be moved away to another corner for quarantine. I will eventually do something other than cardboard. Heat is on day two of the heat being on. is 89* hot side and 75* cold. Tomorrow I am going to be drilling holes to make it lock shut.


Albert Clark
06-03-16, 04:22 AM
Nice work! Just keep tweaking it and you'll continue to get new ideas.