View Full Version : breeding jcp help

05-27-16, 01:39 AM
This is just a thought breeding my jcp. This would be in quite a bit but I've always wanted to breed my girl. She's only about a year and a bit and I am pretty clueless on breeding , I would obviously do research and learn how to but I was just asking for some thoughts and opinions. :crazy2:

05-27-16, 06:06 AM
I've been doing tons of research cuz I plan on breeding my jag some time soon as well. I found this article to be a great starting point.

Breeding Carpet Pythons (http://www.reptilesmagazine.com/Breeding-Carpet-Pythons/)

Albert Clark
05-27-16, 07:10 AM
Along with your research and readings make it a point to hit the reptile expos and speak to breeders face to face. You will be surprised what on the job experiences can offer.

05-27-16, 07:43 AM
Check out Meet the Carpet Python (http://www.acreptiles.com/main/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=82&Itemid=142) , this is a pretty good resource. Also, http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Comprehensive-Natural-History-Breeding/dp/098327892X . Very informative and thorough.

Lots of really knowledgable carpet folks here too. Derek Roddy, Shaunyboy (where the heck IS he?), Chris Behof to name a few... This will def get you going in the right direction.