View Full Version : Good to be here!

05-24-16, 08:09 PM
Hey, I'm Schan. I have been keeping reptiles for 30-ish years off and on, but have been away from the hobby for a good bit. I recently picked up a yearling acrantophis madagascariensis (madagascan ground boa) as my first snake in years. In the past I have kept rat snakes and hognose snakes of various varieties and locales, green tree pythons, brazilian rainbows, cook's tree boas, as well as phantasticus and pictus geckos. I bred a few of those species, but not all of them. Anyway, its good to be back!

On the other side of life, I am married with 2 little 'uns and a year old rhodesian ridgeback living in the OKC area. I am active duty military, and thankfully my wife is tolerant of reptiles enough to take are of them while I am away. Although these days I am late enough in my career that I am not generally gone a ton.

I am glad to be here and look forward to talking to like minded folks!

EL Ziggy
05-24-16, 08:26 PM
Welcome and best wishes Schan. Thank you for your service sir.

05-25-16, 08:22 AM
welcome Schan, sounds like us beginners can pick up a lot from you.