05-24-16, 07:50 AM
I know I haven't been on in a while but came up with a simple solution to buying live rats to feed your snake without wasting money (if snake isn't hungry) or fearing snake getting bit.
I have a custom built 96 x 36 x 25 tall covered glass snake tank with two 4' sliding doors on side. In it I placed a 10 gallon fish tank with the top uncovered.
Whenever I have to feed my 9 foot RTB, I just drop 3 or 4 jumbo rats inside and go about my business.
The rats can't get out. I placed a hanging water bottle in one corner. But the snake can come over the top and feed whenever he wants.
I was tired of buying pre killed which he didn't eat and afraid of leaving live running around loose.
I have a custom built 96 x 36 x 25 tall covered glass snake tank with two 4' sliding doors on side. In it I placed a 10 gallon fish tank with the top uncovered.
Whenever I have to feed my 9 foot RTB, I just drop 3 or 4 jumbo rats inside and go about my business.
The rats can't get out. I placed a hanging water bottle in one corner. But the snake can come over the top and feed whenever he wants.
I was tired of buying pre killed which he didn't eat and afraid of leaving live running around loose.