View Full Version : New Stuff!

05-04-16, 05:08 PM
Different kind of box! Just set it up with my two racks. Liking it more than my vivarium electronics already.
http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y357/fluffyriddick/Snakes/IMAG3421_zpsus74r40r.jpg (http://s1029.photobucket.com/user/fluffyriddick/media/Snakes/IMAG3421_zpsus74r40r.jpg.html)
http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y357/fluffyriddick/Snakes/IMAG3422_zps2l55ju1c.jpg (http://s1029.photobucket.com/user/fluffyriddick/media/Snakes/IMAG3422_zps2l55ju1c.jpg.html)
http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y357/fluffyriddick/Snakes/IMAG3423_zpsccshpo1c.jpg (http://s1029.photobucket.com/user/fluffyriddick/media/Snakes/IMAG3423_zpsccshpo1c.jpg.html)

And two of my three AP cages arrived last week! The third one arrives tomorrow probably try to get them all together this weekened:) The black milk, one of the bearded dragons, and possibly the bull are going into these cages!

Albert Clark
05-04-16, 06:42 PM
Nice pickup! That Herpstat is awesome.

EL Ziggy
05-04-16, 07:59 PM
Beautiful snakes and great equipment. You can't beat that Riddick. I've thought about that Herpstat 6 but my cages arent close enough together. I'd have to get two of the Herpstat 4s. :(