View Full Version : 2016 Pastel granites..

Albert Clark
04-29-16, 08:45 AM
Today my Pastel het granite checkered garter began dropping hatchlings! Sadly though the visual granite is a stillborn found inside of a hide. The live hatchling was hiding in the substrate. Idk if she is finished laying or not but the granites were the ones I am hoping for. The live hatchling appears to be a reduced pattern pastel checkered.

Albert Clark
04-29-16, 08:47 AM
This is the live Pastel checkered Has a reduced checkered pattern that looks almost granite at times

Albert Clark
04-29-16, 12:52 PM
Actually this may be a super pastel checkered granite. I can't wait for this one to put on some size and shed out a few times.

04-29-16, 01:02 PM
Nice looking critter Albert, not my cup of tea but still very cool!

Albert Clark
04-29-16, 01:15 PM
Nice looking critter Albert, not my cup of tea but still very cool!

That's ok! It's something about garters that i have a passion for. Haha. :blink:

04-29-16, 01:32 PM
Only 2 babies and ones dead? =(

I'm so sorry. Do you know what caused the stillbirth?

Albert Clark
04-30-16, 01:08 AM
Only 2 babies and ones dead? =(

I'm so sorry. Do you know what caused the stillbirth?

Yes Mink, so far only two babies and one is stillborn. Thanks for the condolences. I have had various sized litters from both these females over the years. However, it's never been more than six hatchlings at any given time. Which is rather atypical for garters. This particular morph seems to have a affinity for small litters in my experience. This stillborn was found inside a paper towel roll hide with the parent inside the roll as well. It would seem the hatchling was born inside the paper towel roll , broke through the amniotic membrane and just could escape the confines of the tube. Purely speculation but a good probability. Hopefully the mother will lay a few more hatchlings. I removed the paper towel roll and won't be putting another one in the enclosure :sad::sad:

Albert Clark
04-30-16, 04:40 AM
Sorry, if the hatchling broke through the amniotic membrane and couldn't escape the confines of the paper towel roll hide then it couldn't have been stillborn. That would mean it suffocated in the roll while the parent was on top of it bc of the mother causing an obstruction to the pathway out of the paper towel roll. But then again maybe born and just marked not to survive. It was actually curled up when I found it. Sad.

04-30-16, 06:58 AM
Aww.. Poor little thing. Sorry..

Albert Clark
04-30-16, 12:03 PM
Aww.. Poor little thing. Sorry..
Yeah Koko, it was very emotional for me for a bit and then i realized that we have no control over morbidity and mortality as it relates to reptiles. Thanks.

04-30-16, 01:58 PM

I hear ya. I just lost one of my chinchillas to an RI.... It's not easy thinking the what ifs....

then I saw that poor little guy.... I've been a mess lately.

Hope things look up from here on out!!

Albert Clark
04-30-16, 02:40 PM
What! So sorry about that. I know that hurts. Well, when you're going through tough times someone else is going through something tougher. Stay in peace and not pieces! I hope this reduced pattern pastel is female. I need to seriously consider doing some outcrossing with these pastel garters.

04-30-16, 02:55 PM
Here's hoping for a female!!!!

Albert Clark
04-30-16, 03:06 PM