04-17-16, 11:33 PM
Hey guys need some quick advice on my year old eyelash. I was away in the Middle East for 3 months and my brother was taking care of my snake, when I got back he looked very dry and dehydrated! Yes I killed my irresponsible brother but my fault, anyways he had a horrible, dry looking shed going on, one of the worst sheds I've ever seen on one of my hots, I immediately hydrated the hell out of him when I returned and soaked him multiple times for hours right when I got back. He's deff looking a lot better. My question is, would it be bad for the animal to constantly be soaking him until he looks perfect again and also constantly spraying and soaking cage to keep the humidity really really high for a few weeks, I connected a humidifier which is constantly blowing vapor into the enclosure: is there such thing of over humidifyimg these guys/over soaking him. I ask bc I've been in Costa Rica multiple times and watched these guys in there natural soaking rain habitat. I remember once when I was a little boy I over sprayed one of my chameleons which actually killed him :(. Live and learn. Any comments / advice would be awesome! Thanks guys. Photo attached is him in his prime! What I'm trying to get him back to.