View Full Version : Help !! My Python Regius tail

Free Hookz
04-07-16, 11:44 AM
People my Python Regius tail is weird and when i touched it popped out a liquid, transparent one, i don't think this is normal...

Update : I just posted the pictures below, please guys someone help me

Free Hookz
04-07-16, 11:46 AM
https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/12936739_1125802244118516_3458311855765872238_n.jp g?oh=dd859e6e1bf4f98557aac47a42e03b96&oe=577ADA04

Free Hookz
04-07-16, 11:47 AM
https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/12919647_1125802250785182_7995806899574722318_n.jp g?oh=9e89bb998355893c932b57d80592ea5a&oe=57BDE576

Free Hookz
04-07-16, 11:47 AM
https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/12961459_1125802247451849_8239037636207948303_n.jp g?oh=e8b475060b53c76a104a37ad709c77fd&oe=578C422D

04-07-16, 12:13 PM
Looks like the tail had stuck shed on the tip and it stopped the blood flow. The tip of the tail may be the bone.

Free Hookz
04-07-16, 12:29 PM
Looks like the tail had stuck shed on the tip and it stopped the blood flow. The tip of the tail may be the bone.

I just gived him a warm bath and removed the skin ! It looks much better !

Free Hookz
04-07-16, 12:35 PM
Looks like the tail had stuck shed on the tip and it stopped the blood flow. The tip of the tail may be the bone.


there u go, it's red i know, but it«s probably because it stopped the blood flow, because i didn't force it .

I hope he gets better now. I will post more pictures as soon as he gets better, thank you so much for the answer Daniel.

Albert Clark
04-07-16, 01:21 PM
Yeah , looks like stuck shed that was retained and caused a local infection. It might be best to have a exotic vet evaluate this. Mainly bc the tail is a very important structure in snakes and a infection can spread if not treated efficiently. May need antibiotic therapy for this. You dont want to compromise his health and functionality for the future. Reddened areas and exudative pus and swelling are a infection until proven otherwise. This requires a exotic vet evaluation so it can be treated appropriately.

04-07-16, 02:16 PM
There's a chance that the tip is now necrotic too. It can spread if left untreated.

Free Hookz
04-07-16, 10:03 PM
There's a chance that the tip is now necrotic too. It can spread if left untreated.

Wait...What?? I'm unemployed right now and my sister just had a baby, my snake was a brithday present and now my snake means the world for me.
Can you please tell me something i can do for her? I'm desperate right now...
I can't do nothing at all ? Please guys i need help

Albert Clark
04-08-16, 07:27 AM
Wait...What?? I'm unemployed right now and my sister just had a baby, my snake was a brithday present and now my snake means the world for me.
Can you please tell me something i can do for her? I'm desperate right now...
I can't do nothing at all ? Please guys i need help

Well, these are the possibilities with the animal and we are not vets and don't know for sure the extent of the condition. It is potentially very serious and requires professional evaluation. Usually a exotic vet will charge a initial exam fee and any other treatments would then be added on. Why don't you get to a exotic vet and at least get the professional opinion and see what the choices you have without spending a whole lot of extra money. Vets can usually work with you on costs. Payment plan or something similar.

04-08-16, 08:16 AM
I second the vet. Most vets will help if they can with billing. Let you pay it off.

At my financial worst, I had a vet agree to see me prescribe the meds my animal needed. Did all the work while I sat and sobbed about money. Then he told me to take my pet and walk out off the office. By the time he would send it to collections I'll have had time to get the money together. (His words and he did the treatment knowing I wasn't paying). Yeah it tanked my credit, but my pets are worth it.

Disclaimer. Seeking service and then running out on a bill is a crime. It can involve jail time. Do not take my one personal example of a vet that has seen all my animals since my first childhood hamster as the norm. It merely serves as an example of the extremes gets can be willing to go to when they love helping the animals. I've probably paid this guy enough to send him on a European vacation, twice, in my lifetime.

Albert Clark
04-08-16, 09:11 AM
Wait...What?? I'm unemployed right now and my sister just had a baby, my snake was a brithday present and now my snake means the world for me.
Can you please tell me something i can do for her? I'm desperate right now...
I can't do nothing at all ? Please guys i need help
Also Free, when you get to the exotic vet let them know ahead of time about your financial difficulties so they can be informed earlier rather than later. I am sure they can bill you for part of the cost.

04-08-16, 06:44 PM
please take the snake to the vet as soon as possible.the skin looks like its getting neucrotic like it does on people before they get gangrene. this is serious and needs taken care of.

04-09-16, 01:24 AM
Unfortunately reptiles are like any other animal; when they get poorly they usually need to see a vet. Not a dig at you op but why people think there are miracle, at home, free reptile cures is beyond me.

If you had a sick cat or dog you would take it to the vet, a snake - magic Internet potion. Bizarre...

Free Hookz
04-11-16, 11:29 AM
Well, bad news guys...I tried 4 different vets, they all told me they can't do anything if i don't pay for it first... consult is 40€
what the actual f....
I'm desperate.
And Danny, i'm not like that, if i had the money for it i would totally do it, i just can't because i don't have any, family is struggling since we got a new member on your family ( my sister's baby ) idk what to do..

04-11-16, 11:58 AM
Well, bad news guys...I tried 4 different vets, they all told me they can't do anything if i don't pay for it first... consult is 40€
what the actual f....
I'm desperate.
And Danny, i'm not like that, if i had the money for it i would totally do it, i just can't because i don't have any, family is struggling since we got a new member on your family ( my sister's baby ) idk what to do..

I'm not entirely saying you are but you're asking a question to which the only answer is to see a vet.

Like I say, if it were a dog or a cat you would not be asking 'What else can I do?' - reptiles are the same - there's not a magic free reptile potion I'm afraid.

Sorry to come across so bluntly and yes of course family comes first - trust me I know - I've been in a similar financial situation. I have no income for several months last year.

But, you also have an animal to care for and that does involve cost. No getting around it...

Free Hookz
04-11-16, 12:20 PM
I'm not entirely saying you are but you're asking a question to which the only answer is to see a vet.

Like I say, if it were a dog or a cat you would not be asking 'What else can I do?' - reptiles are the same - there's not a magic free reptile potion I'm afraid.

Sorry to come across so bluntly and yes of course family comes first - trust me I know - I've been in a similar financial situation. I have no income for several months last year.

But, you also have an animal to care for and that does involve cost. No getting around it...

Can't do nothing then... We will just wait and see...

04-11-16, 12:30 PM
What would you do if it was the family dog. One which you had owned for several years and was effectively part of the family and utterly doted on?

04-12-16, 11:44 AM
If you can't provide adequate care for the animal and be prepared for vet fees then you should rehome it with someone who can. Its not fair for the snake to suffer because you have no money...

Albert Clark
04-12-16, 03:47 PM
Wow! How cruel is that of those exotic vets. I can't believe they won't bill you for the exam fee. Are there any wildlife rehabilitation facilities that you can access? I mean this is a condition that is a potential surgical case if it doesn't get the proper attention over time. Can you take a small loan out or borrow from a friend? If I was there I would lend you the money. Maybe a wildlife rehab institution will have better info on choices. I feel for you man and the poor reptile who didn't ask for this. Just keep researching , there has to be someway to get him the care he needs and deserves.

Free Hookz
04-12-16, 09:56 PM
Wow! How cruel is that of those exotic vets. I can't believe they won't bill you for the exam fee. Are there any wildlife rehabilitation facilities that you can access? I mean this is a condition that is a potential surgical case if it doesn't get the proper attention over time. Can you take a small loan out or borrow from a friend? If I was there I would lend you the money. Maybe a wildlife rehab institution will have better info on choices. I feel for you man and the poor reptile who didn't ask for this. Just keep researching , there has to be someway to get him the care he needs and deserves.

they are asking me for 200€ lol this isn't normal.

Free Hookz
04-12-16, 09:57 PM
If you can't provide adequate care for the animal and be prepared for vet fees then you should rehome it with someone who can. Its not fair for the snake to suffer because you have no money...

And no one would ever want a snake who has a problem and needs to pay 200€ for it, why would they want a snake to pay 200€ at the vet if they can buy one at 50/60€ with no problems?

Free Hookz
04-12-16, 09:59 PM
What would you do if it was the family dog. One which you had owned for several years and was effectively part of the family and utterly doted on?

What do you want me to do if i don't have money for it? I can't do anything man, i'm not a magician, i can't rob a bank i'm unemployed i can't snap my fingers and get money or ask for 200€ to help the snake. I can't do anything man, even if it was a dog i couldn't do anything if they asked me for that much. It's beyond my limits.

Free Hookz
04-12-16, 10:03 PM
Wow! How cruel is that of those exotic vets. I can't believe they won't bill you for the exam fee. Are there any wildlife rehabilitation facilities that you can access? I mean this is a condition that is a potential surgical case if it doesn't get the proper attention over time. Can you take a small loan out or borrow from a friend? If I was there I would lend you the money. Maybe a wildlife rehab institution will have better info on choices. I feel for you man and the poor reptile who didn't ask for this. Just keep researching , there has to be someway to get him the care he needs and deserves.

But i did talked to a friend of mine who told me that this happened to his snake and he told me not to panic and just use betadine everyday for a while until he heals. An the tip of the tail normally falls off .
( That's what he said to me and he said that it didn't happened once or twice he said this is common to happen sometimes ) .

04-13-16, 03:22 AM
Its not common, after shedding you check to see if eyes and tailtip are clear. I have been keeping snakes for quite some time , and i have never had this happen. Not to bash you, but i feel horrible for your snake. Pets do Not make good birthday presents, they require money time and effort. If you can not provide all 3 you should not have one, you can not decide for someone else if they can provide all this.. because if they can't, this is what can happen.

04-13-16, 10:19 AM
But i did talked to a friend of mine who told me that this happened to his snake and he told me not to panic and just use betadine everyday for a while until he heals. An the tip of the tail normally falls off .
( That's what he said to me and he said that it didn't happened once or twice he said this is common to happen sometimes ) .

It's common if you have bad husbandry. If you have the right humidity (specially during shed process) this should never happen. Have you considered asking for a small loan to pay the vet? How is the tail looking, any improvement since you removed the leftover skin? Don't let more time pass if there aren't signs of recovery

04-13-16, 10:37 AM
dear free hookz, do you have an animal shelter or a zoo close to you? maybe they would show some sympathy to the poor thing and take care of it?

Free Hookz
06-21-16, 07:32 PM
Everything ok with him now :) Thanks