View Full Version : My New Blonde Tiger Male!

04-06-16, 12:28 PM
Here's a Few Pics Of my new Blonde Tiger Male! He was produced by Gavin Bowe. He's doing really good right now and hopefully starts to put on some size to get ready for his hot date soon! Can't wait to see this guy color up I hope he gets really dark! I named him "Fabio" lol
http://i438.photobucket.com/albums/qq103/li0nheart86/E9D1F6E5-5799-45D2-907F-E94659361656.jpg (http://s438.photobucket.com/user/li0nheart86/media/E9D1F6E5-5799-45D2-907F-E94659361656.jpg.html)
http://i438.photobucket.com/albums/qq103/li0nheart86/7B523B5F-8EEA-4452-B40B-361CE8B50AFE.jpg (http://s438.photobucket.com/user/li0nheart86/media/7B523B5F-8EEA-4452-B40B-361CE8B50AFE.jpg.html)
http://i438.photobucket.com/albums/qq103/li0nheart86/C04B8603-1458-4C4B-BEB8-D841131715C8.jpg (http://s438.photobucket.com/user/li0nheart86/media/C04B8603-1458-4C4B-BEB8-D841131715C8.jpg.html)
http://i438.photobucket.com/albums/qq103/li0nheart86/EE2DF69C-3B3D-4338-8ED7-11038A7BC98A.jpg (http://s438.photobucket.com/user/li0nheart86/media/EE2DF69C-3B3D-4338-8ED7-11038A7BC98A.jpg.html)

04-06-16, 12:37 PM
Stunning!! Keep us updated :D

dave himself
04-06-16, 12:59 PM
Very nice mate

04-06-16, 02:35 PM
beautiful retic

04-08-16, 03:01 PM
Thank you very much guys!!

04-08-16, 04:32 PM
Super nice!! I love the eyes on retics. He looks to be about the same size as my sunfire maie. What are you feeding him and how often?

04-08-16, 05:06 PM
OMG beautiful snake, i have a soft spot for retics. I want updates with this guy

04-09-16, 12:27 AM
Very nice snake. Unfortunately a retic for me isn't ever going to happen so I have to make do with pictures of other people's!

I too love the eyes, one of the few species of snake that have a look of intelligence in them and that orange, just beautiful...

04-09-16, 01:55 PM
Beautiful retic. A blonde or mochino will be my next tic. Can't decide which.