View Full Version : My boas.......~pics~ (lots of em!)

05-15-02, 02:35 AM
All of my boas........... sorry bout the *huge* pics...lol :p

Bugs... I'm in love... lol... he's such a cutie but for some reason every pics I took came out totally overexposed... This is the best I could get...
<img src="http://imagehost.auctionwatch.com/preview/li/lindsayg/toonie_bugs.jpg">

Sweetness... little mexican rosy boa... he's my little tequila worm :p
<img src="http://imagehost.auctionwatch.com/preview/li/lindsayg/sweetness_8.jpg">

Tagz... my male brb... his colour is really starting to come in nicely!
<img src="http://imagehost.auctionwatch.com/preview/li/lindsayg/tagz44.jpg">

Nauthiz... female brb... still playin an awful scary game of colour tag!
<img src="http://gallery.kingsnake.com/data/60nauthi_shed.jpg">

Slowpoke... female Jamaican Boa...
<img src="http://imagehost.auctionwatch.com/preview/li/lindsayg/slowpoke44.jpg">

05-15-02, 02:36 AM
Male Jamaican Boa...
<img src="http://gallery.kingsnake.com/data/60peekingj.jpg">

and last but not least, my Guyanan RTB... got a few good pics and couldnt decide on just one so here's a few :)
<img src="http://imagehost.auctionwatch.com/preview/li/lindsayg/guyanan04.jpg">
<img src="http://imagehost.auctionwatch.com/preview/li/lindsayg/guyanan01.jpg">

He always makes such an effort when I open his lid or am around the cage to come out and see me...lol...I feel loved! :p Ah Ima make him love me in no time :D
<img src="http://imagehost.auctionwatch.com/preview/li/lindsayg/comingtogetcha.jpg">

Thanks for lookin :)

Darren Hamill
05-15-02, 02:44 AM
Great pic's Linds! I love that Guyan!

05-15-02, 04:18 AM
LOL I didnt know bugs was THAT SMALL!!! geez! great pics linds! and i love the partial thick stripe on the guyana also! :D

05-15-02, 06:34 AM
Nice lil' family you got there!:)

05-15-02, 07:57 PM
Thanks for the kind words everyone :)

Jeff, yeah isnt Bugs tiny! I like the markings on the guyanan too, dont know if it qualifies him as a "striper", but most of his saddles are connected.

05-15-02, 08:27 PM
Really nice pics Linds! Your jamaican are my favorite!!!

05-15-02, 09:53 PM
Nice animals Linds.. Personally - I love the jamaicans!

05-15-02, 11:06 PM
Great pics ,love the rainbows:D

05-16-02, 09:39 PM
your soo lucky!

05-18-02, 02:41 AM
Thanks for the kind words everyone :D

05-22-02, 02:39 PM
Hey, think you can show us some pics of their enclosures from far? I wonder what you're keeping them in, how much space they take...etc.

05-22-02, 09:02 PM
Right now all of my snakes are housed in rubbermaids. They are taking up more space than need be since they are placed about the room, but hopefully not too long some of them will be housed in a rack :D

05-24-02, 07:52 PM
That's quite a little collection you got going on there!!,
Where'd you get that Guyanan??...what a looker....lol,
great pics,keep em coming!


05-30-02, 06:29 PM
that is a sweet rainbow. nice collection.

05-31-02, 12:28 PM
Thanks for the kind words :)

Thanks Chris, I couldnt be happier with him ;) ;)

05-31-02, 03:36 PM
I'm glad you enjoy him Linds..and who knows,mabye one day he will learn not to view you as a food source..lol.
