05-15-02, 02:35 AM
All of my boas........... sorry bout the *huge* :p
Bugs... I'm in love... lol... he's such a cutie but for some reason every pics I took came out totally overexposed... This is the best I could get...
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Sweetness... little mexican rosy boa... he's my little tequila worm :p
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Tagz... my male brb... his colour is really starting to come in nicely!
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Nauthiz... female brb... still playin an awful scary game of colour tag!
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Slowpoke... female Jamaican Boa...
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Bugs... I'm in love... lol... he's such a cutie but for some reason every pics I took came out totally overexposed... This is the best I could get...
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Sweetness... little mexican rosy boa... he's my little tequila worm :p
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Tagz... my male brb... his colour is really starting to come in nicely!
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Nauthiz... female brb... still playin an awful scary game of colour tag!
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Slowpoke... female Jamaican Boa...
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