View Full Version : Decided to change his enclosure up a bit.

04-05-16, 12:02 AM
He started to kill the fern from constantly sitting on it, so decided I wanted to give him a little belly warmth. This also gave me the chance to get rid of his tiny water area since he started spending a lot more time in it. So I have him a 40qt bucket which also allowed me to steal one of the Caiman Lizard's water filter and use it for this guy. (Caiman lizard has 4 of them..)

He's really enjoying his rocks (which also double as a dirt mat to help with the water). And his water. Also gave him some more ground to walk on.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v424/Palustris3/Crocodilian/trigger_zpsnkpqfji3.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Palustris3/media/Crocodilian/trigger_zpsnkpqfji3.jpg.html)

Jim Smith
04-05-16, 05:46 AM
Nice looking enclosure. How large is it?

04-05-16, 06:51 AM
He's looking great!

04-05-16, 10:39 AM
looking great man, was he cbb/cb or farmed?

Albert Clark
04-05-16, 01:37 PM
Now that's the cutest little rodent killer I've seen in a long time! Fabulous. Very nice enclosure too. Congrats.

04-05-16, 05:29 PM
The enclosure is 48x20 and the caiman is about 16".
This makes the enclosure too small, though the guidelines aren't as strict for young juveniles, but I'm in the (pre)process of building an 8'x3' enclosure and will be using one of those plastic ponds and build a canister filter for her.
The pond will be inserted into the wood to make it level and the filter will be inserted under the enclosure similar to salt tanks.

As of now, she seems to be enjoying herself and isn't as cramped as it may sound.
She's cb from a guy down near San Antonio.