View Full Version : lost water monitor
04-04-16, 01:58 PM
my water monitor as escaped for over a week and i couldnt find him.
i went to sleep for the afternoon, i check him before and i pet him and put him back and close is cage, i woke up, but he wasent inside..when i was sleeping i heard some noises of nailons, but i thought it was nothing, but when i woke up i saw my cupboard open and a shirt with nailon on the floor, so i i immditaly tought he was going to this area, and this area was very close to his cage....
he has a rectangular basin cage that close with steel, with brench
he probebly clime on the brench and squeeze himself between the steel
its the second time he's done it already, in the first time i looked every where for him and wasent a clue, after a week he was showing up in my bad, he probebly was hiding inside a place without any access between the cupboard and the wall, its a very old cupboard so i dont know how many hiding place their is, even for a smart pet like monitors.
their is two problems.
1.during the time i was sleeping. i open the window(very small amont of it) but the window is in the other side of the room, and he had to pass me, or even under the bad, and to clime some things, monitor like to hide nearby, so i dont know what to think, i check in my roof in the top in the same day but didnt saw anything. door room isnt down, and there is a small place that he can squeeze under if he realy want..but agian, like i saw he was going to the other side, but i check in the rooms nearby, and my balcon, and lizard
i put some mice in some places, and near the room, even mice sound to get him out, but no monitor
its over a week, from saterday, i am concered for him
the temp is 20-27 now, but still long he can go without food?
2.where can he be?
3.what can i do?
05-08-16, 02:32 AM
i didnt find him, he probebly went out from the window:hmm:
i got a bigger one
05-08-16, 03:09 AM
you should be banned from keeping pets.Saw some posts from you and all include suffering animals...
Albert Clark
05-08-16, 05:44 AM
you should be banned from keeping pets.Saw some posts from you and all include suffering animals...
I don't think that is the answer to ban someone who is here asking for help. It was a act of irresponsibility that the animal escaped. We are here to help each other and as reptile keepers, we should maintain that mentality.
05-08-16, 10:42 AM
i agree, al. we aren't on this forum to judge anyone. sarcastic, know-it all replies do not help anyone. this forum is supposed to be fun and educational. let's keep it that way.
tough love. now go to your room.
05-08-16, 12:50 PM
Know it al replies?
Have you read some of his posts?
Here he says he lost his water monitor.
Here his burmese python has "white stuff " on his head:
His boa doesnt eat:
His ballpython is injured:
His rainbow boa has respiratory problems:
His bloodpython doesnt eat:
His green tree python is a death candidate:
Sorry but it seems he buys constantly new animals, doesnt know the basics and loses them because of this. Animals arenīt throw away articles.
Just follow his topics...i dont know maybe he operates some sick kind of reptile GULAG over there.
Tiny Boidae
05-08-16, 02:17 PM
Know it al replies?
Have you read some of his posts?
Here he says he lost his water monitor.
Here his burmese python has "white stuff " on his head:
His boa doesnt eat:
His ballpython is injured:
His rainbow boa has respiratory problems:
His bloodpython doesnt eat:
His green tree python is a death candidate:
Sorry but it seems he buys constantly new animals, doesnt know the basics and loses them because of this. Animals arenīt throw away articles.
Just follow his topics...i dont know maybe he operates some sick kind of reptile GULAG over there.
I agree there has been some gross neglect with his animals, and that until he makes some serious adjustments to his husbandry that he should not bring another animal home, especially not the biggest and hardest to keep ones, but you're not promoting any positive changes by insulting him. All you're doing is encouraging him to move away from this forum where we won't be able to influence his care at all.
We've had a couple people like this recently, who have put their animals through hell and back, and by no means is arrogance an easy thing to fix, especially from behind a computer. To be honest, I'm not exactly sure how we can change this sort of behavior, but slandering the keeper will NOT work in the animal's favor. Just look into Arachnid's case, where people, myself included, did that exact same thing and drove himself off the forum where he's likely still continuing his abusive behavior.
05-08-16, 02:41 PM
I agree there has been some gross neglect with his animals, and that until he makes some serious adjustments to his husbandry that he should not bring another animal home, especially not the biggest and hardest to keep ones, but you're not promoting any positive changes by insulting him. All you're doing is encouraging him to move away from this forum where we won't be able to influence his care at all.
We've had a couple people like this recently, who have put their animals through hell and back, and by no means is arrogance an easy thing to fix, especially from behind a computer. To be honest, I'm not exactly sure how we can change this sort of behavior, but slandering the keeper will NOT work in the animal's favor. Just look into Arachnid's case, where people, myself included, did that exact same thing and drove himself off the forum where he's likely still continuing his abusive behavior.
I think they play a sad violin song whenenver he steps into the local pet store.
@Patrick...dude, I'm on your side on this one.
Oh..and where has Lady Bug been? After reading her replies on the GTP thread, I realize that I miss her!!
RAD House
05-08-16, 05:06 PM
Can we say we know the condition of the animals when he got them? For all we know he may have been sold animals that were in bad condition, but being told they were healthy. I personally do not know what the herptile industry in Israel, but I would not be surprised to find that they are in general substandard. What I do know is op is willing to listen to suggestions from both the breeders and people of this forum. I think snide comments only discourage the owner from asking for help. Also I do agree that he should learn to better care for the animals he currently has than try to aquire more. Again passive aggressive attacks do no good for the owner or animals. Lets all be adults here. I have had several discouraging reptile situation hit me all at once, granted not nearly as troublesome as the ops, and it is not easy to deal with. I think the willingness of the op to look for help and realize he has problems earns him the right to be regarded with respect.
05-08-16, 05:49 PM
I'm also with you guys, who wants to bet that it is being kept in an aquarium :no:
05-08-16, 10:47 PM
Can we say we know the condition of the animals when he got them? For all we know he may have been sold animals that were in bad condition, but being told they were healthy. I personally do not know what the herptile industry in Israel, but I would not be surprised to find that they are in general substandard. What I do know is op is willing to listen to suggestions from both the breeders and people of this forum. I think snide comments only discourage the owner from asking for help. Also I do agree that he should learn to better care for the animals he currently has than try to aquire more. Again passive aggressive attacks do no good for the owner or animals. Lets all be adults here. I have had several discouraging reptile situation hit me all at once, granted not nearly as troublesome as the ops, and it is not easy to deal with. I think the willingness of the op to look for help and realize he has problems earns him the right to be regarded with respect.
all fine but he seems to buy a new reptile evry week and cant care properly for the ones he already has. I see a massive problem there. The first advice he should accept is that he mus stop to buy new animals.
Albert Clark
05-08-16, 11:34 PM
all fine but he seems to buy a new reptile evry week and cant care properly for the ones he already has. I see a massive problem there. The first advice he should accept is that he mus stop to buy new animals.
Ok Patrick. That is a very plausible start for getting him on the right track. Also that is a remedy to his overwhelming propensity for misfortune with his animal collection. Let's see how he responds to that statement .
RAD House
05-08-16, 11:51 PM
all fine but he seems to buy a new reptile evry week and cant care properly for the ones he already has. I see a massive problem there. The first advice he should accept is that he mus stop to buy new animals.
I agree but wouldn't he be much more likely to take your advice if you just stated so in a respectful manner? Who would listen to any advice from a person just running their mouth?
The best solution is for this person to stop keeping animals until they have a general understanding of husbandry. The monitor lizard is NOT acceptable for this level of keeper. Let alone the chondro/gtp I as well as others tried to help him with last time. Vet care, is mandatory people, NOT an option.
You guys need to cut the dead weight before you get dragged down with trying to be positive and nicey-nice all the time. No quarantine, no fail safes, general laziness in attempting to go to a vet to solve problems.
If the individual cannot self analyze their own skills and situation (whether it be in the USA or not), this still not an excuse for the behavior. Not everyone is meant to keep reptiles regardless of their best intentions.
Start being part of the solution instead of standing up for disgusting behavior. Now a monitor lizard is loose in Israel, because of this clown, ruining for all future keepers. They already have ridiculous import and export laws already so I cant wait until guys like this ruin it for all those keeping herps there properly.
Lost my monitor, better go out and get another one.....WOW. Didn't learn a damn thing.....
Albert Clark
05-09-16, 07:15 AM
Big_V, I see your points and agree with most of what you say. Especially the specialized animals op is keeping w/o doing the proper research and taking the proper advice of members here on the forum. Certainly he should downsize his collection to a more manageable size. I believe a lot of why we are here on the forum is to share experiences and information...Also people join these forums looking for help and advice which most take. Unfortunately op seems to be very irresponsible and needs to come to the realization that his actions are negatively affecting the community. We still need the resolve to be kind yet firm and not belittling. In spite of his lack of knowledge and compliance we need to impress upon him (respectfully) how he is making it bad for the animals and the hobby. Just my .02 cents.
I'm all for building up each other and helping each other, but I WILL NOT foster idiocy. Just because someone bought a reptile does not mean that they are worthy or capable of keeping it. To see people NOT take help from others and/or throw the advice right back because they don't agree OR if someone is spouting garbage information that they read somewhere and then they spread those googled keeping tips to look intelligent as if they have the experience to back up what they're saying when they actually have NO experience with a species...those 2 things in particular will bother most people who have been keeping for a while, and we can pick those people out of the crowd pretty quickly, even online.
It seems that not everyone has reached the realization that some people only come on here looking for attention, to show off, want to feel special because they're part of a forum, or to hear what they want to from others and don't actually want to learn. If you have someone that you repeatedly help and it gets thrown back in your face no matter the approach, that someone DOES NOT belong here, straight up. If you think someone who acts this way will magically become receptive to advice, please shake your head a little bit to clear all the sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows clouding your vision because there's no way that you're thinking straight. The one individual previously mentioned in this thread is a prime example, and I am sure is still doing really dumb things, but we tried to help both constructively and then a bit more reactively, and NEITHER WAY WORKED. He would be doing these dumb things no matter the approach, no matter how nice one tried to be while giving advice and also no matter what happens to his animals in the long run. Better to be gone than to continually post garbage and repeatedly disregard all legitimate advice. Does anyone honestly think he would be making changes to the way he is keeping things if he were still here? A prime example of dead weight right there...don't want to learn, listen or discuss things? Then why are you here?
In regards to the OP...can't add much to what's been mentioned.
05-09-16, 08:55 AM
Ya know, if it was kept properly I doubt it would have escaped in the first place, no doubt it was in a 20 gallon aquarium with a screen top
RAD House
05-09-16, 09:53 AM
I surely hope none of these comments are directed at me, if so all I can say is some members reading comprehension is struggling today. Not once in any of his threads has he argued or thrown information back in anyone's face. Not once did I say that I agree with his actions or level of care. My point is that if we truly want to help these animals out it is far more productive to address this individual and people like him with professionalism. It seems some people here are more concerned about standing on a soap box than actually helping the animals in question. Trust me, I am less full of rainbows than most people can handle, but I am also realistic about trying to change behaviors and having an effect on other people. No one is going to change when being barated on the internet. The only change that will happen is they will stop listening altogether, putting the animals further in harm's way.
I surely hope none of these comments are directed at me, if so all I can say is some members reading comprehension is struggling today. Not once in any of his threads has he argued or thrown information back in anyone's face. Not once did I say that I agree with his actions or level of care. My point is that if we truly want to help these animals out it is far more productive to address this individual and people like him with professionalism. It seems some people here are more concerned about standing on a soap box than actually helping the animals in question. Trust me, I am less full of rainbows than most people can handle, but I am also realistic about trying to change behaviors and having an effect on other people. No one is going to change when being barated on the internet. The only change that will happen is they will stop listening altogether, putting the animals further in harm's way.
I don't think anyone was directing anything at you, but if we are talking about arachneoccult, trust me when I say he most certainly had a tantrum on a few occasions (even when people were being very nice and patient) and most definitely threw the help of others back at them shortly before posts being removed or in the ones that didn't need removal, he was completely dismissive.
Wondering if the "soap box" comment was directed at me? If so, PM me and I would be glad to discuss that further with you. Or don't...whatever. :)
Albert Clark
05-09-16, 10:24 AM
I could care less if they are directed at me. Some people on here don't know how to take criticism or advice bc maybe they are suffering from a medical issue, psychological issue. Maybe they are otherwise impaired and don't have a real normal cognitive ability to grasp concepts . They still don't deserve to be name called, belittled and or called idiots or any other derogatory name that individuals throw out there. They are still people who have rights and dignities. I am not here to try and win a argument or pick someone out to harass or police. I have pets but I am not your pet. I don't have to try to look intelligent I am intelligent! Try , even if it's not in you , to be respectful bc you never know what truly someone is dealing with. The counterproductive language can be saved for your pets at home!!!!!!!!!!
05-09-16, 12:19 PM
I dont think this user takes any help. Those animals cant be helped. Its hopeless. So what do you expect?
Albert Clark
05-09-16, 01:23 PM
I dont think this user takes any help. Those animals cant be helped. Its hopeless. So what do you expect?
When there is nothing else there is hope! It's all in your outlook.
05-11-16, 07:41 AM
Whats the problem? All the animals are healthy, the monitor escspe becuse he had a bad cage sheet care that the men who braught it to me
now the other one is like 2 months and very tame
05-11-16, 08:27 AM
I love monitors :) can I see a pic?
05-11-16, 04:24 PM
Sure:) in is pool
05-11-16, 04:38 PM
Sorry , but i fergot to mention that i had ocd, most of the posts of the snakes were just fear from nothing, all the snakes are fine...about the water monitor , my freind build me basin with net on top, so i canmove around it for him to get sun in the summer, like i said he escaped , belive me i didnt want him to escape !! I learned my lesson and now keep him in close terraium until he will grow up...i am the only guy that lost a monitor ? Noo ...the attack on me is overblone...i have the basic knowlage on this kind of pets, some pet i got had some problems from the owners like the tree python who had worms in is stomac and the vet took care about him, the blood python eating only live mice and the boa too...this is not my fault
Albert Clark
05-11-16, 05:31 PM
Sorry , but i fergot to mention that i had ocd, most of the posts of the snakes were just fear from nothing, all the snakes are fine...about the water monitor , my freind build me basin with net on top, so i canmove around it for him to get sun in the summer, like i said he escaped , belive me i didnt want him to escape !! I learned my lesson and now keep him in close terraium until he will grow up...i am the only guy that lost a monitor ? Noo ...the attack on me is overblone...i have the basic knowlage on this kind of pets, some pet i got had some problems from the owners like the tree python who had worms in is stomac and the vet took care about him, the blood python eating only live mice and the boa too...this is not my fault
Just keep doing your best to maintain your collection as it is until you can really manage them. You do have some reptiles that require specialized husbandy. Try to be more aware of breaks in the security of your enclosures too. Any escaped reptiles always reflects badly on all of us as reptile keepers. Most of us have dealt with escaped animals before and we learn from it. So, we are always here to help you with opinions and advice as we know it. I hope the monitor does turn up eventually.
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