View Full Version : feeder rats/medicated

02-23-03, 09:04 AM
Can rats that have received antibiotics be used as feeder rats?:confused:

02-23-03, 09:20 AM
anything you give your rats ends up in your snakes. You may wish to wait til the medication passes.

02-23-03, 10:41 AM
Hi, welcome to the forums.

If you are thinking of using rats purchased from science labs as feeders, I would strongly advise against it. Like what Lisa mentioned, anything in the rat ends up in the snake. Rats from labs usually have organs removed, fed multiple drugs, and these may harm your pet herp.

You could also post this in the food for thought forum to get more opinions.

Hope this helps.

02-23-03, 02:59 PM
Thanks Lisa and Edwin. These rats had a sniffle, were treated,
then the decision was made to use them as private feeder's.
I wish I could convince the snake to go vegan!

02-23-03, 04:35 PM
Some how I don't think you'll be able to convince eons of highly specialized evolution to turn on it's ear and eat vegies. Snakes are one of the few reptiles that can subside on one particular food source.

You say your rats were treated for a sniffle, you probably can wait a few weeks for the antibiotics to clear out and then use them as snake food.

02-24-03, 09:07 AM
Welcome to the forums. I agree with Lisa in the fact that want ever goes into the food goes into the snake. Wait for awhile and then fed them off.