View Full Version : Nicaraguan Dwarf Boa Imperators.

03-27-16, 05:47 AM
Here an update on my future breeding couple Nicaraguan dwarves, they're both doing great. Renji (SuperHypo male) is ready to go at 7 years old and still 3ft (won't grow any larger). He is back to his healthy weight after a long period of finding ladies more interesting than dinner. Rukia (T+ Albino female) is growing slow and steady, is now 3 years old and 3ft10. They're both still living in large tubs, they seem very content with that. I have never seen them as relaxed, i can even get them out and take a couple of pictures before the biting starts haha! Still little love for me, but it has made life a lot easier for me and them.

Here are some pictures of them, Both in their light phases.. Renji exploding with colour, Rukia freshly shed and still very pale. Her head seems to be getting more and more pink. Most pictures taken in daylight, shows their colours fairly well.







This one taken with flash


Tiny Boidae
03-27-16, 06:30 AM
They're gorgeous Tsubaki! That second picture of your female looks so menacing (even with all that pink). Very nice

03-27-16, 07:03 AM
Looking good!

03-27-16, 08:33 AM
Someone needs to buy me a plane ticket to where Tsubaki lives..... >_>

Tsubaki knows why....

03-27-16, 08:43 AM
They're gorgeous Tsubaki! That second picture of your female looks so menacing (even with all that pink). Very nice

Thanks! Yeah, she is pretty menacing for such a sweet looking little girl. She is still very quick to nip, and once she starts she doesn't stop..!

Looking good!


Someone needs to buy me a plane ticket to where Tsubaki lives..... >_>

Tsubaki knows why....

No stealing my little Shedevil!... i do have another piece of tail for you...:D

EL Ziggy
03-27-16, 09:41 AM
Very nice critters Tsu. I really love that female.

03-27-16, 09:51 AM
Thanks Ziggy :D i don't think i can pick a favorite out of the 2 myself!

03-27-16, 11:25 AM
@ Mink you're officially out of control. Resorting to international thievery ;)

Those are some dwarf dwarves, really like Renji

03-27-16, 01:35 PM
Yes they are very 'dwarf dwarves' :D thanks!

03-27-16, 06:35 PM
Yes they are very 'dwarf dwarves' :D thanks!

Didn't know they got that small, feel free to send one back with Mink ;)

03-28-16, 02:07 AM
Nicaraguans are amongst the very smallest boa imperators, the female isn't done growing yet. Seriously doubt she'll get to 5ft, she was bred in the Netherlands but the male is US import. Bred by Vin Russo, if you're interested in the really small dwarves you vould see if he still breeds them! .. Mink is free to come get some offspring in a couple of years hah :D

03-28-16, 04:00 AM
Ooooh, I want small Rukia one day! :D Get me on your waiting list, hahaha!

03-28-16, 04:28 AM
T+ Nic Boa's are beautiful, so are Hypo's.. but the T+ Nicaragua Sunglows are really something special..The first litter will all be Hypo 100% Het, i will keep a good looking male and breed him to Rukia to get a nice diversity in the litter.. Sunglow T+ / T+ and Hypo Hets. :D

Got this picture from pinterest a long time ago, a gorgeous T+ Sunglow. :D

03-28-16, 04:59 AM
To be honest I prefer the look of Rukia (T+ Albino, right?). But I don't like orange snakes too much, so maybe that's because of it, haha! :)

03-28-16, 05:00 AM
Should have all 3 varieties in the litter :)

03-28-16, 05:03 AM
Then we just need to wait! :D

03-28-16, 05:05 AM
Maybe she will be ready next year, then the first T+ and sunglows will be here in 2 or 3 years haha..:D

03-28-16, 05:15 AM
Well, it's a long wait but totally worth it :)

03-28-16, 07:05 AM
Great looking pair!

03-28-16, 08:53 AM
Sylphie, totally worth it :D
Thanks Andy

03-28-16, 09:24 AM
Really nice boas, fav type of snake ^_^

03-28-16, 09:38 AM
Thanks boa's are great :D