View Full Version : Attempted Fraud

Corey Woods
02-23-03, 01:17 AM
It has come to my attention that there are some animals floating around the herp community that are reported to be from me which is not the case. The people involved have been talked to so hopefully this issue has been addressed. I will take this time to clarify a couple things that have been going around recently.

All of the ball pythons that I brought up from Ralph Davis 2 weeks ago are for my own personal collection. None of the Balls are forsale and are intended to be future breeders.

To this date I have not produced het pieds nor have I produced het albinos. I have also not brought up any het pied males.....infact I do not own any 100% het pied males, nor have I ever owned any 100% het pied males. All of the het albinos as well as pieds and het pieds that I currently own are only for my own personal collection.

As of this date I am not aware of anyone else in Canada owning any Piebald balls. I have not seen any animals that even remotely resemble a pied in any way, shape or form.

I do not have a partner, so, therefore my "partner" cannot sell animals that I produced and/or purchased for cheap just to get rid of them. I have some animals on breeding loan as well as some animals out on breeding loan but that is the extent of any involvement with other herpers involving animals.

I feel the need to set the record straight as I do not want to see anyone in the herp community get screwed over by anyone trying to sell normal animals as 100% hets.....especially when my name is brought into the equasion.

The rumours that I have heard recently is that I purchased a clutch of 100% het pieds from Ralph Davis and that I am keeping half the clutch and my "partner" is selling half the clutch cheap.....this is false. It has also been claimed that I sold 3 sub adult 100% pied males that I brought up from Ralph Davis.....which is also false. Also, it has been claimed that 100% het pieds have been produced in Canada and I have verified that the original breeder animal is a pied......this is false. In addition, it has been claimed that I have produced 100% het albino balls........this is also false.

The sub adult 100% het pied males were being offered for $1000 CDN each which is well below their market value (2002 het males sell for $2000-2500 US each which is in around $3000-3500 CDN each). This right their tipped most people off.

If anyone is approached to purchase 100% het pied or 100% het albinos that came from me I'd appreciate if you would let me know who this person is so they can be dealt with appropriately. I take matters like this very seriously.

Thank-you for your time.
Corey Woods
Phone # 519-648-3114
Email - Python_1979@hotmail.com

02-23-03, 02:46 AM
Pretty sad when people sully the name of some one else to make a quick buck.

02-23-03, 09:05 AM
Thanks Corey for letting everyone know about this. It is really bad that people actually do this. Anyone could sell a normal and call it a het. That is why everyone should always check into who the the person is and what kind of a reputation they have especially when buying higher end animals.
Lorraine Gillard

02-23-03, 01:02 PM
Does this mean my sea monkeys aren't from the corey woods line?! :(


Scotty Allen
02-23-03, 05:02 PM

02-24-03, 07:18 AM
Post who it is. People like this have no right to have their name withheld. Like any criminal, if they get away with it once, they will comtinue to do it. Post their name and prevent this from happening to anyone that like myself, invests everything they have into their hets. Trading on someone else name is one of the most disrespectful things that anyone can do.

02-24-03, 07:59 AM
You mean that guy on the street corner that was selling the Rockwood and AlFine Car Stereo gear that offered me the Corey Woodie Albino Piebald green phase marbled ball python was a fraud???? Geeeess I'm mad now :)

It's a shame people have to try crap like that!

02-24-03, 12:10 PM
Talk about your backhanded compliments. Some despicable creep picks your name because he knows everyone recognizes the quality of your animals. I hope he gets arrested! Wouldn't that be both fraud and identity theft? I dunno, not a cop or a lawyer, but it seems to me jailtime is in order here.

beth wallbank
02-24-03, 02:52 PM
Well Corey...these people obviously have nothing better to do. They know that it will come back to haunt them but they dont care. Dont you worry, because if someone was to put any type of $$ on a snake, and they had a half brain, I would think that they would contact you personally to confirm the snakes legitaty. I have been taken as well, but on the other side of the chain. A well known breeder did trades with me for poss het girls last season, and upon me selling them, he denied it. It was several days of arguing and this breeder calling me a liar for them to turn and say oh yeah.....i forgot. Go figure. And you know what, no appology, no nothing. I took it with a grain assult and turned the other cheek because I figured it wasnt worth waiting for something I knew was never going to get. I do hope though that you bring this low life to his knees, and let them know what happens to a$$holes in the hobby.