View Full Version : Uh-Oh...What is This?

03-13-16, 10:39 PM
I have abandoned all hope of 'no more, I swear!'.

Picked up another angry worm that was left unbought at my local reptile store due to a serious attitude problem. This little guy was known for flying out of the tub at any wayward souls to lay the chomp down on anything that moved.

Since I was able to calm down my rough scale sand boas who were like that, I got this little guy for a steal, along with a months worth of food for free.

I will say, that like the roughies, this guy was not on my list. But I just couldn't say no!

Instead of just throwing him at you though, I have decided to let you guess! So, below are a few photos to give you all hints!

03-13-16, 10:42 PM
Totally a black mamba. Jk, my guess is a rat snake. Congrats!

03-13-16, 10:43 PM
Spotted or Children's python? Antaresia genus

03-14-16, 05:21 AM
Is that a scrub python? Looks Australian.

03-14-16, 05:53 AM
Spotted or Children's python? Antaresia genus

I'm on this boat.

03-14-16, 07:15 AM
I'll agree with spotted or children's python.

03-14-16, 07:27 AM
Dang, you guys are good!

He is a spotted python!

03-14-16, 08:01 AM
Nice! He looks like he wants to give a kiss in that last photo lol

EL Ziggy
03-14-16, 08:25 AM
Very nice Mink. I like the attitude on that one.

03-14-16, 08:46 AM
very cute little guy. like the pattern.

03-14-16, 09:18 AM
I oddly adore the tiny fiesty ones. But after they get larger, I just don't have the nerve/stomach for it. Luckily, this guy will never be large, kind of like my male roughie, so I do not foresee any issues with keeping such a killer worm! Lol

Also, I loooove his eyes. He has what someone else here described as 'serial killer' eyes lol. Not quite as bright orange as a retics, but they are very orange compared to his more muted toned body.

Also...omg the rainbows! I didn't see them in the store while looking at them, but when I got him home they exploded all over him! Very awesome surprise to say the least!

03-14-16, 11:35 PM
I'd rather expect that one to calm down quite a bit with time and age. I've seen baby spotted pythons going cheap at the shows, somtimes $40-50, but I always find something I like better. I actually prefer something a little larger as an adult, though I have been tempted to get one anyway.

Gerbil Food
03-14-16, 11:58 PM
Can anyone teach me how to use this forum so I can talk to you guys and use the Classifieds?

03-15-16, 12:48 AM
Your hopeless lol! But nice pickup!

Albert Clark
03-15-16, 04:31 AM
Good looking little guy! Nice pickup. He's probably gonna be a great feeder with a temperament like that.

03-15-16, 07:44 AM
Thanks everyone!

Albert- The lady at the store mentioned that he was a feirce feeder, so I have full faith in that! I feed on Saturdays though so I will need to wait and see.

TnB- I like medium-small snakes mostly. That's why I have my hoggies ;) I look forward to him staying relatively small as well. I have a very diverse size range in my collection. =)

Then again...I have a pretty diverse collection over all, and it WILL keep growing. I have 3 others on hold until after I move. ^_^

03-15-16, 11:20 AM
Can anyone teach me how to use this forum so I can talk to you guys and use the Classifieds?

What seems to be the issue? Shoot me a PM.

03-15-16, 12:37 PM
I'm super jealous! I saw one for $70 at a herp expo this weekend and had to really restrain myself to just picking up dubia and mealies. Nice pickup! I'm excited to see how it grows out, I nearly got a spotted over my hognose for my first snake. Really cool looking.

03-15-16, 01:42 PM
Lol yeah. I saw some at a repticon once but they didn't interest me at that time because I lacked any knowledge and realistically O was hunting something more specific. But agter researching the carpets and coming across other Australian species, I was super interested. I just couldn't justify shiping or any of that mess. The fact that the store knows me and gave me a killer deal due to his killer attitude surely didn't help lol. And since I had store credit anyway, he was basically free, along with a months supply of feeders lol. How can you say no to an adorably vicious worm and a deal like that?! You can't. ...that's how....lol!

03-15-16, 02:23 PM
Hahaha I hear ya on that. Not to draw away from your vicious worm, but at that same show I got the chance to handle a crested gecko...HOLY SMOKES that's a pile of cuteness right there. They feel super cool as opposed the claws of a leo. I see why you like them so much! Even my old lady was pretty enamored with them. Cool critters. :D

03-15-16, 02:40 PM
Yup! Everyone I know seems to adore cresties once they feel how velvety soft they are! I think I'm still going to add 1 more male to my breeding group, but I have a specific idea in mind and other financial obligations I need to fulfill prior to adding to my crestie family lol.

03-19-16, 08:04 AM
Well again. i already commented on this addition when you got it but.. Gorgeous mink :D Really like him, and his attitude!

03-26-16, 05:07 AM
Let me know how you like him! I've got a male spotted Python that's about a year and a half old. He's a great snake, always moving around his enclosure and constantly climbing. Great feeding response too, always hits the mouse with a lot of enthusiasm. Gets a little bit of an attitude occasionally but never tries to strike once he's up and out of his enclosure.

03-26-16, 08:44 AM
I actually really love him! He's taken one meal so far but hasn't struck at me since I got hom home, but coils like he's gling to lol. He's in a small temporary tub for now for quarintine and because I'm moving soon, but he doesn't seem to climb what little bit I have in there for him. Will be interesting if he does climb though!

04-11-16, 11:53 AM
Minkness... you are out of hope... but you can scale this mountain (really bad pun...I know... )

I have been a silent stalker for a while... mainly because I don't want to be tempted to get another scalely friend, But I found a Mexican black king on Craigslist today down south 4hrs away... for $150 full set up with some food... oh Gawd, why have you done this to me... what have you done Mink?

XD I will one day join you with my own hoard of reptilesXD

You have a cutie there and i jsually dont really care for the spotted pythons. Nice find:)

04-11-16, 12:02 PM
Pretty little thing mink. May calm down as he gets older anyway. Little snakes are generally of the view that everything is going to eat them.