View Full Version : 20 Gallon Paludarium for some kind of gecko?
03-13-16, 09:19 PM
Hi I am a student who is making a paludarium (half water and half land) for a school project. The problem with this is I really want a lizard that meets the following requirements:
-Nocturnal (so no UVB!)
-Can swim (water is 8 inches deep)
-Won't eat fish
-Can live in 20 gallons (essentially 10 with the water)
-Price does not exceed 30 dollars (I live in Canada by the way)
-Not a crested gecko (My classroom already has one)
I was thinking of getting a leopard gecko, but they don't really suit the environment well. So I don't really know what lizard to go with. Any suggestions?
Here is some pictures of the tank:
Thanks in advance!
Tiny Boidae
03-13-16, 09:36 PM
No gecko, that I know of, is aquatic. The problem with a paludarium is that it's hard to meet the needs of both terrestrial and aquatic animals in even a large enclosure, let alone a 20 gallon. You'll need a lot of filtration and daily 10% water changes I'd say, and some really forgiving fish. I'd really consider bumping the water area up more to help with the immense bio-load, and to figure out how much space you'll be providing each animal.
Fire belly newts are lizard-like and would probably thrive better in a paludarium like that, as well as a few tetras. I just can't really recommend a small lizard that would benefit from that setup.
03-13-16, 09:37 PM
You'd probably be better off with a turtle.. Lizards dont need that much water unless you have a huge lizard like a water monitor.. Even then half the tank is a bit much.. Also, a lot of reptiles will eat fish and anything small they think theyre capable of.. So you kinda got a problem here :P
03-13-16, 09:55 PM
Might be able to do an anole.
I would suggest a 20 long insteadof a standard 20...and they would require UVB light. Some salamanders might work, but in reality, you would probably never see them. You could do a poison dart frog though. Or a male garter snake...but he would definitely eat the fish.
As for fish. The only thing I could see working in a set up that small would be guppies, endlers,or maybe kilifish.
However your price range is really what is going to get you.
Good luck.
03-13-16, 10:13 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, I will look into newts and salamanders as a possible option. My current plan is to put a ton of branches and house 1 green tree frog.
03-14-16, 07:31 AM
You could try a mourning gecko. I believe that they meet your requirements... just make sure that getting out of the water is easy so she doesn't drown.
03-14-16, 07:58 AM
Maybe a house gecko. But I have no experience with them other than catching them at a campground bath house in florida.
03-14-16, 09:29 AM
yeah I could try a mourning or house gecko, I just have to make sure there are branches for it to climb out if it falls into the water.
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