View Full Version : Woma Wisdom?

03-10-16, 07:55 PM
Ophelia the woma python lands next Wednesday. Although I've read about them, I've never owned a woma before and nothing beats personal experiences.

For those of you that own woma pythons, what has been your experience? Any words of advice / wisdom? Is it true that I should consider donning full plate mail armor at feeding time? An I correct in thinking that a 40 gallon breeder tank will offer her enough space as an adult?

These are breeder pics of Ophelia. I named her that because her "eyebrow" markings give her a permanently tragic expression that reminds me of J.W. Waterhouse's Ophelia paintings.

http://i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s520/SerpentineDream/Mobile%20Uploads/womaF2-2_zpsdqiqrsmm.jpg (http://s1055.photobucket.com/user/SerpentineDream/media/Mobile%20Uploads/womaF2-2_zpsdqiqrsmm.jpg.html)

http://i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s520/SerpentineDream/Mobile%20Uploads/womaF2_zpswqm59tuu.jpg (http://s1055.photobucket.com/user/SerpentineDream/media/Mobile%20Uploads/womaF2_zpswqm59tuu.jpg.html)

EL Ziggy
03-10-16, 08:19 PM
Great new addition! Congrats!

03-10-16, 08:21 PM
Very very nice. I think I may be getting one of these come summer time.

03-11-16, 09:53 AM
I recall 2 stories that come to mind about Womas.
1: While feeding outside the cage, they had the Woma in a feeding box on the bed. While the rat was half way swallowed the Woma bolted to the full length of the bed to the pillows where the owner was resting his head and stopped. And continued to swallow the rat.
2: When first interacting with the Woma after being shipped, someone mentioned putting a single finger out (Why that is a good idea for any snake I cannot comment). The woma inspected and then slowly bit the finger. No strike. Just sat there for a few minutes then decided to let go.

I understand that these are some far out there stories, but I will say I did find them on the internet. Not necessarily here. I will find out personally sometime in the near future.

Albert Clark
03-11-16, 10:17 AM
Great choice SD! Womas are such a interesting species. Congrats. She's gorgeous!

Derek Roddy
03-11-16, 11:04 AM
Awesome species. Work with them for many years now. Pretty much bullet proof to boot.
Great personalities, but very strong food response. Do great in rack systems or 4 foot cages as adults.

you can check my website for pictures, etc


03-11-16, 11:27 AM
2: When first interacting with the Woma after being shipped, someone mentioned putting a single finger out (Why that is a good idea for any snake I cannot comment). The woma inspected and then slowly bit the finger. No strike. Just sat there for a few minutes then decided to let go.

This is too funny :D

03-11-16, 12:04 PM
My woma started out okay for personality wise. He was a little jerky and watchful but not too bad. But he has lost his mind recently and is crazy defensive and strikes if you even walk by his cage. I'm getting a rack in today and the bins sometime next week. I'm moving him into it to see if he is more comfortable and less attitude in a rack haha. I may give him 2-3 months to quiet down, if not I'll probably sell him. I'm okay with my beauty snakes having attitude but not enough of a woma fan to deal with it from them:p

03-11-16, 02:02 PM
I do recall reading a news story a year ago in which a woma python in Australia named Winston swallowed a set of barbeque tongs. His owner was using to them offer him a rat and he gulped the tongs with the rat. He needed emergency surgery but survived.