View Full Version : Coolest Find Ever

03-09-16, 05:40 PM
So... two days ago I went field herping, I was mainly looking for native herps, all I saw was a snake swimming in the river, but the real find was the baby vulture lol so cool, if its mom/dad hadn't chased us away I would have taken more pics 34706



oh, and we saw a deer and caught a gar :)

03-09-16, 05:42 PM

wouldnt want him to bite me

Doug 351
03-10-16, 12:28 AM
Gar balls are awesome....(not what you think) ....but dang..you can hurt yourself trying to skin those suckers....

But ...they are tasty with some onions and mashed tators rolled up and fried....You do have to scrape the meat with a fork...but what the hey ....how cool is it to say you've eaten gar???

Albert Clark
03-10-16, 11:31 AM
Wow! Those are some nice finds. Congrats. Thanks.

03-10-16, 12:39 PM
what is that thing in the last pix?

Doug 351
03-11-16, 02:48 AM
An alligator gar ...not usually too scary...unless an eight footer takes your topwater lure two feet from your inner tube while fishing....trust me...you never saw a guy hit freespool ,feed line, and asking for help from sweet Jesus so fast in your life....seeing that lure come back up to the surface was like winning the publishers clearing house sweepstakes!!!

Funny thing was about 10 minutes later...on a cast across the river....I had my bait taken again...this time...I wasn't scared...got out of the water and fought this sucker....a whopping 2lb. striper!!!!


Actually....it's one of my goals to catch one over 6'....I've been there...they're funny critters...I've been on the river catching sunfish for bait...and the dammed things grab them before I could reel in....and snap my light line....then...when I finally rig up a good line with a float....watch the thing go 100 yards...up and down and finally set the hook....to come up empty!!!!!

03-11-16, 10:04 AM
Yep, he was only about 31 inches though, I've been told that they can grow to almost 10 feet and weigh around 300ish pounds, but the biggest I've seen is only about 5-6 feet

03-11-16, 10:17 AM
I love seeing gars. By my parents' house there are canals that run through the city. Plenty of gars since they have no predators once they get too big for the egrets to eat. I've seen 5-6 footers in there. They have tons of food too...turtles, ducks, fish, etc. Perfect place for them to get huge without anyone or anything interfering.

Doug 351
03-11-16, 11:08 AM
I want to mount one over 5' and put it on the wall....how cool would that be?

This is my 8 lb. 12 oz. largemouth I caught at Squaw Creek reservoir that I mounted many years back.....

I just found a roadkill coon a few days ago...I'm gonna mount it in sleeping pose....and fool some folks....did the same thing 10 or 15 years ago...and had a blast with it....heck ....just driving down the road with it on the dash was a hoot!

EDIT: Yeah....you heard right....I said mounted it....not had it mounted....