View Full Version : Glitch(pics)

03-09-16, 12:30 PM
So, I felt it was time to give you all a brief update on Glitch.

So this is a pic of her when I got her...

That was the day I picked her out with my mother holding her.

Here are a couple pics I took of her today...



I have not weighed her for a while, which I am making a mental note to do... Anyway, she has grown quite a bit and still has never been aggressive toward me. She stays in her hide all day and I assume she comes out when I'm sleeping. (I still want a king... Maybe after I get a stable job... Idk)

I thought you would like to see how she is doing:)

Albert Clark
03-09-16, 01:07 PM
Glitch looks amazing! Yeah, I would get a weight on her so you have a baseline. She looks like she hasn't missed too many meals. Lol.

03-09-16, 01:30 PM
Lol, no, she hasn't missed much. However I have found she eats more readily when offered a meal in the morning rather than before bed.XD

03-09-16, 01:37 PM
She is amazing, congrats. Nothing quite as stunning as a good albino IMO!

03-09-16, 01:41 PM
ddw i was so happy to see glitch. i have an albino,too. his name is macandchz and he is about a year and 3 months. his picture is on the gallery. lucky for you glitch is a good eater. mac is picky,picky,picky.

03-09-16, 01:59 PM
I have also found Glitch is cool with a bit of a damp rat(some of the bags I defrost them in didn't do the job very well/: ) also it has to be pretty warm for her to take it.

03-09-16, 02:03 PM
Also, Mac is very nice looking:)

03-09-16, 03:44 PM
She is amazing, congrats. Nothing quite as stunning as a good albino IMO!

Thank you:) I love all albinos, and my favorite color is yellow so albino snakes are heaven to me ^.=.^

Albert Clark
03-09-16, 04:06 PM
After the thawing procedure, always check the prey temperature with a ir temp gun to make sure the temp. is where it should be. You may need to use a blow dryer to really warm it up appropriately. That is the reason a lot of reptiles will refuse meals bc the heat signature coming off the prey is inadequate.

03-09-16, 04:19 PM
I submerge the baged rat in a bowl full of hot tap water for five minutes after thawing. I honestly didn't think of the IR temp reader. I usually feal the chest or armpit of the rat to be sure it is warm to the touch(through the bag of course)

Albert Clark
03-09-16, 04:29 PM
I submerge the baged rat in a bowl full of hot tap water for five minutes after thawing. I honestly didn't think of the IR temp reader. I usually feal the chest or armpit of the rat to be sure it is warm to the touch(through the bag of course)
That's fine. As long as you are making sure the rat is completely thawed. Especially the chest and abdomen. Lol.

05-27-16, 08:37 PM
I should be getting some new pics of Glitch in soon. i need to upload them first though.

05-28-16, 08:53 AM
I think this is the time for a before and after sort of thing^.=.^

Sometimes I can't believe she only hatched on Dec. 2, 2014. She has grown so fast!

So, here is a pic of Glitch the first time I saw her at Repticon(Baton Rouge)At that point, she was about months old. She was such a cute thing wasn't she?:


A couple days ago:




She said its close up time! I suppose it would look great if my camera was better but alas, it is a meer phone camera:



These pics are a little decieving because the lighting didn't let her brightness show. I have more from today but photobucket isn't cooperating very well now. Her colors came out more in those..

05-28-16, 09:06 AM
These are from today. Can you believe she is now about a year and six months old? Glitch has been awesome, never aggressive, nor refusing meals. I only wish she were more out and about:


Nub Snek lol This pic is one of my favorite because it shows her bright yellow markings very well:)


Dinner time:



As you can probably tell from the previous pics, I have a new arangment in there for her. Silly snake, I can still see your tail! XD


Sometimes the glare and bright light from the camera interfears with showing her true color. She is actually quite vivid and bright compared to what shows in most of the pictures.

05-29-16, 08:36 AM
Yesterday she took two small rats(adding up to 100 g) her previous meal was a medium rat but it took her so long to get it down, I decided to give her two smaller ones to reduse stress and such. She is such a good girl:)

05-29-16, 09:03 PM
Couldn't resist this pic. I'm so glad she likes her new hide:) last time I got her a new hide, she refused to use it for a week before she got used to it.


05-30-16, 09:10 AM
I actually recall seeing this hide in Petsmart, wondering if I should just go ahead and pick it up. Looks like it has snake approval.

05-30-16, 10:42 AM
I actually recall seeing this hide in Petsmart, wondering if I should just go ahead and pick it up. Looks like it has snake approval.

Tbh I got it because it would fit nicely in the corner without taking too much space and I liked the look of it. It is worth the price I think.seems to have a very natural design.