View Full Version : Escaped ball python in car

03-08-16, 04:42 PM
I have a 2008 chevy Aveo that my year old baby escaped up into via dash/vent system. He's been up there for 5 days so far and everything I've tried has failed.. Live mouse, water, heat mat, electric blanket, and hide boxes have been set on the floor and still nothing. It's pretty cold out so Ive been using that to my advantage in the hopes he'll get cold and seek warmth via heat mat and he'll crawl into the hides, but he hasn't. Any suggestions are appreciated. I miss my baby Otis :(

03-08-16, 05:03 PM
Yeah tear the dash apart to find him

03-08-16, 05:17 PM
I forgot to mention that the dash was taken apart, along with some other things in the vent system to hopefully create an easier exit for Otis

Albert Clark
03-09-16, 06:56 AM
Wow, sorry to hear this. I think you just have to be persistent. Can you get the vehicle into a garage? I know it's risky to start the engine. Try using some high intensity flood lights to search under the hood. How old is the snake?

03-09-16, 08:25 AM
Under the dash on the passenger side of the car should be a cylinder roughly the size of a 2 liter bottle diameter-wise. This holds the blower fan for the car. The fan design makes it easy for critters to get into. But it is also only held in place with 3 screws. I'd remove that fan casing and check in there.

03-09-16, 11:57 AM
Yeah I hope you find him but other than slowly taking apart the car from the inside out, you're stuck with what you're doing.

03-09-16, 12:49 PM
eventually he will get hungry and come out looking for food, I know it sounds like a mean idea and I probably wouldn't do this either but you could leave some stick traps on the floor boards and when he runs across them he isn't going anywhere, just have to check it multiple times a day

03-09-16, 01:43 PM
please keep us posted on otis. i'm very worried about him!

03-10-16, 02:32 PM
I'm concerned about this myself, this is aweful.

03-12-16, 03:44 AM
Any updates?

03-13-16, 12:33 PM
eventually he will get hungry and come out looking for food, I know it sounds like a mean idea and I probably wouldn't do this either but you could leave some stick traps on the floor boards and when he runs across them he isn't going anywhere, just have to check it multiple times a day

Don't do this.

Please keep us updated and good luck.

03-13-16, 09:27 PM
Balls of masking tape left on the floorboards can work as traps depending on how big and powerful your snake is, but the sticky traps designed for catching rodents are waaaaay too strong. You'll kill your snake trying to get him out of one of those.

I'd keep doing what you're doing.

03-13-16, 09:35 PM
I really hate to hear this.. Pleaasee keep us updated

03-13-16, 09:51 PM
So unfortunate to hear :( please keep us updated

04-26-16, 06:22 PM
any news? real worried.

04-26-16, 06:31 PM
any news? please let us know what's the latest.