View Full Version : Everyone is growing!

03-02-16, 06:54 PM
Vera the black milk is really getting dark!

Bodacious the 50/50 cali king just started eating again a couple weeks ago and just finished a shed last night. Right now I'm pretty sure he is wondering why he doesn't have a female in with him lol

Athena the albino grey also just shed the other day! Looking very nice these days.

Eve the trans pecos finally gaining size! I've gone through so many regurges with this girl that she worried me for the longest time. The last time we tried moving up a size in food she regurged so she has been on large pinkies for awhile. I risked a fuzzy for her last feeding and she was fine this time yay!

Celeste the hypocalico chinese beauty after her most recent shed. Her orange is very bright after this one.

White sided rat boy still unnamed...

03-02-16, 07:08 PM
Gorgeous snakes! I also have a snake named Athena, she is a Rosy Boa :)

03-02-16, 07:48 PM
Wow the Chinese beauty is stunning. What does that morph usually run price wise?

03-02-16, 08:16 PM

I didn't pay all that much when compared to what I paid for the platinum chinese beauty. She was about 300 shipped. I got her from Larry Keller and wouldn't mind buying from him again!

EL Ziggy
03-02-16, 08:42 PM
Beautiful snakes Riddick! That white sided rat is really special. I love how dark your black milk is getting too. What do you think was causing Eve's regurgitations? I hope she's over it.. ;)

03-02-16, 08:47 PM
Oooh your white-sided rat boy is so gorgeous! I love his pattern and coloration! *0*

03-02-16, 08:55 PM
The first couple were definitely a failing heating element. I didn't realize it was failing until I spent a day checking her temps every hour or so. They were fluctuating between cold and warm instead of holding at one temp. The last regurge was definitely just a size thing. She is just one that can't handle normal sized food items for some reason. I've been treating her like my beauty snakes and feeding her smaller items than what you would normally think she could eat. So far on that size and schedule she is doing fine and growing steadily!

She is growing too:D

EL Ziggy
03-02-16, 09:25 PM
Aww, look at that cute face :). Most times bulls look so mean.

03-03-16, 01:38 AM
How about Vogue as a name for the white-sided rat? Gotta love his white eyebrows.

03-03-16, 03:15 AM
Some gorgeous animals over here! Well done!

Albert Clark
03-03-16, 10:02 AM
Amazing collection! Thanks for sharing them!

03-03-16, 12:37 PM
love that white-sided one and vera! GREAT COLLECTION.