View Full Version : New member

02-24-16, 10:35 PM
Hi all,

My name is Brayan my dad and I decided to buy a Jungle Carpet Python last December (I am not too sure how old it is) I am guessing it is around 1 year old. Its name is "Serpentina" (also not sure if it is a female or male lol) but it is a girls name. Anyway, this is our first reptile as well but I am loving the experience of having one. In the future I want to own a different snake or maybe some sort of lizard as well (blue tongue lizard or an eastern bearded dragon).

Serpentina is very snappy and defensive but I've read that this is normal. I find it very difficult to get her out of her cage sometimes but once I get her out, she starts to behave and be nice. I have noticed that she will strike at anything that moves fast or that she doesn't expect to move around her and I have gotten some tags already because I have moved my hands too quickly or because she sees shadows on me. At first I was very scared to handle her as I noticed her defensive behaviour but I have kept trying and now I feel more confident when I get her out (I still have trouble getting her out of the cage).

In terms of feeding I try to feed her every 10 - 12 days. I recently changed from weaner mice to adult mice. I haven't really had any problems when feeding her. She has shed once (she stills has some old skin remaining and it is been around 2 weeks now, idk if this is bad); she didnt shed in one piece but she left lots of skin everywhere in the terrarium and she usually poops after 2 - 3 days after eating.

Thanks for reading and I will appreciate any feedback from you guys :)

EL Ziggy
02-25-16, 10:27 AM
Welcome and best wishes Brayan. Carpets are a lot of fun to keep. What are the temps and humidity like in your enclosure? Sometimes a bad shed can mean your husbandry is a little off. Also your carpet may be a little hungry. Do you know how much your snake weighs? An adult mouse every 10-12 days isn't much of a meal for a yearling carpet IMO. You may also want to switch him to rats ASAP. It's a lot easier to feed one rat to an adult carpet than multiple mice. Please share pics of your snake and setup when you can.

02-25-16, 10:37 AM
Welcome aboard and congrats on your first snake, carpets are an awesome species to own

02-25-16, 12:24 PM
dear alejoms22, welcome to the forum! i have an albino ball python that just shed a couple days ago. if you go to the general discussion forum and look under the thread, "how to remove old skin," you will find some helpful tips on what to do when they have an incomplete shed. it worked for me.

05-18-16, 02:26 PM
I hook train to help with cage aggression. It may help in your case.

Albert Clark
05-19-16, 07:08 AM
Welcome to the forum!