View Full Version : Pine oil and other essential oils and snakes.

02-24-16, 12:34 AM
I can't find any information on essential oils and snakes and I was curious what people had to say about it, or if anyone here could give me any insight.

I have always likes to burn essential oils as incense and it has occurred to me that this might be harmful or stressful to my snakes because I recently acquired some pine oil.

I know pine and cedar are no-nos as bedding or cage decor for snakes but what about the scent in the air from an oil diffuser?

Would using an oil diffuser with pine oil in the same room as my snakes be dangerous to thier health?

02-24-16, 01:41 AM
I wouldn't burn any essential oils, candies, insence etc or have any form of vapouriser anywhere near a room housing reptiles.

Given essential pine oil is very concentrated I particularly wouldn't risk it given the potential for harm.

02-24-16, 01:06 PM
dear sophi, i agree with danny. i stopped using spray air fresheners and candles in my living room because mac's tank is in there.

02-24-16, 06:20 PM
Because pine is toxic to reptiles, and snakes have such fragile lungs, I wouldn't risk it.

02-24-16, 06:27 PM
I keep my snakes in my bedroom and I've banned all scents, oils, etc. in there as well. I have a cool mist humidifier in the room, but always use plain water.

02-25-16, 09:30 AM
Thanks guys,

This is kind of what I thought. I was particularly wondering if pine was worse than some other types of oils.

I also usually use a pine floor cleaner so I wonder if that is out as well?

I feel pretty silly not having thought of this before since I keep my snakes in my bedroom for the time being. (They are being upgraded to thier own room this summer.)

02-25-16, 11:35 AM
When I got snakes the PinSol left the premises, never to return. No pine cleaners of any kind here. There are other cleaners that should not be used around snakes but I can't remember what they all are. Whatever I use around the house, I err on the side of caution.

02-25-16, 12:03 PM
Yup agree with everything here.

If it has a strong scent, it's likely you shouldn't be using it in proximity of the snake.

Any sort of smoke should be outside of the building, and preferably outside the premises of the property. You'd be surprised how easily smoke will move through a house. If someone smokes even 5' from the front door, I can smell it quite strongly. Any smoke inside the house will disperse, even with open windows (although if windows on each end of the house are open it will eventually leave the house - but not before building up inside the reptile's enclosure).