View Full Version : Snake cages of expanded PVC sheet?

02-21-16, 07:17 PM
Has anyone ever used expanded PVC to build snake cages? I know it is much more expensive than plywood, but it is much lighter and already waterproof. How is it to work with? Do you need special tools? Can you just use solvent-based adhesives to weld the plastic together? I know some use it to build racks, so it must be fairly durable, but I was wondering what everyone thought about it for display cages, and whether it was worth the additional expense or not? Thanks!

02-22-16, 01:38 AM
I'd be a little concerned about the durability of some of the plastics out there. Go to home depot and pick up a sheet and see for yourself. It just doesn't feel as rigid to me as say the stuff an AP cage is made from. Take a look here too which seems to confirm there is a big difference in the materials out there Constrictors Northwest (http://www.constrictorsnw.com/aboutplmodularcages.html)

I use a lot of 48" cages so seems to me with the whimpier materials there is a big risk of sagging and I would imagine sourcing the good materials is more expensive than buying the cage depending on the sizes you need.

I'd love to get away from old heavy plywood but for the bigger cages, basically anything more than 4x2x1, it's the only affordable option I've found and it's still easier to work with and lighter than melamine I believe.

02-22-16, 05:27 PM
I know that on youtube, the channel HLH Reptiles did a bit on creating cages. They guy building them accidentally bought the HDPE plastic for his cages instead of PVC. He talks about what he did to join them together.

If you look on Constrictors Northwest's site, that is the material they use as indicated by pet_snake.

AP cages uses what they call "CDPVC™ (Controlled Density PVC)". I ordered one and have yet to see it, but they do have some pretty good reviews.

My 2 cents.

Jim Smith
02-22-16, 09:53 PM
All of the cages I use are from Constrictors Northwest and they are indeed made from HDPE. There cages are very well made and although the cages I use for my Hondurans are only 3'X2'X14", they are very rigid and I have no sagging at all. Ed uses dovetail joints on all the cages which make them very easy to assemble and strong. There are no adhesives used in the construction of the cages, but there are strategically placed screws holding the pieces together. If I were to make my own cages, this is the material I would use. It is marine grade and does not stain from urates of droppings like some of the other PVC type materials do. If I were making a very large enclosure for big constrictors, I would use the thicker material and probably add some external ribs to support the weight and strength of these strong animals.

02-22-16, 09:56 PM
Has anyone ever used expanded PVC to build snake cages?

02-22-16, 10:52 PM
The AP cages are sturdy though I've not had any stacked for enough years yet to comment on durability over the very long haul. But when it comes to cages, I sure don't think lower density sounds good lol The AP material is fairly hard to the touch and solid which makes me think it is a higher density than the stuff at Home Depot which is much "Foamier". I believe it is likely a very low density PVC with lots of air causing it to feel foamy and flimsy. This would also cause me to be careful who you buy racks/cages from, as the easiest and cheapest materials to source will likely be that very stuff. I have a feeling many people buying cages are not fully aware of some of these differences and how if might effect their results over time.

02-23-16, 09:14 AM
The XPVC sells under the name Sintra or komatek, comes in 4x8 sheets and you can get the 1/4" or 3/8"
the material makes awesome cages and many pro-builders use it for their cages.
I own and also built my own too.
the pro-builders will use a folding machine with heat so that all 4 lenght wise sides are folded and not bonded, the sided are bonded and in many cases you double up the front for a stronger cage.
if using acrylic as wnidows, double up the fron by having 1/4-3/8" smaller opening all around so that the window seals it up when closed and it gives the windo a lip to stop.
I would recommend sliding glass over acrylic because the plexi galss (acrylic) warps with heat and humidity over time. they will still close but the top corners will stick out a little.
sliding glass with a nice lock is best..
bonding it is not easy and not as strong as folding. the best glues are the grey pvc solvent the transparent spv (harder to find) both these have a short working period, when i say short I mean short. so best be ready with a test fit and a good technic to apply glu and pieces fast.
I also found that adding 1/4 strips on the inside on all joints makes a realy strong cage.
bigger than 4x2x2 cage might end up with sagging if no additional re-inforcements are added.
but once done up, adding ligths, heat panel or heat tape under the cage is easy.
adding brackets for perches is also easy..
here's a few pictures of cages i made, the big one is a double arboreal cage, devided in the centre to make two 24x24x20D cages (made two of these) and the other picture is of baby ETB cages i made..they are triple units and i made 5 of them. in one picture you see the back and how i made a sliding vent system to control air flow.

it's a fun material to work with, easy, strong, waterproof, fire resitant.
the only negative i found is that the chalk substance in snake pee must be cleaned fast otherwise it can stain the black XPVC, but they also sell it in white if you prefer..
if cleaning cages daily, then it's not a problem.. I keep mine cleaned up and no issues yet.
but i did buy a used cage off a guy who did not clean the pee and the cage is stainned.
here's a few pictures

02-28-16, 12:55 AM
Nice! I love the adjustable ventilation! I'm also wanting to attempt to create dart frog vivs in this manner, and that would be great.

04-04-16, 07:25 PM
Nice work YT!

That adjustable vent system is nice.