View Full Version : Meet Hoggle! Aka my friends are all enablers.

02-13-16, 01:56 AM
So my lps got in a couple of hognose babies last week and I've been thinking about them all week. Of my 4 best snake friends, 2 have hoggies and another is actively looking to get one. If 3/4 of your closest snake friends are in love with the species, it's pretty hard not to fall in love, too. Upon saying that I was sort of wanting to hold them and maybe even buy one... My friends did nothing but gush about how much they loved hoggies. Sold. Today, I went to two different pet stores and came home with a little 3 month old female I've named Hoggle. She also goes by any of the various Hog-names you can think of, especially those used by Jareth. She's super sweet! Minkness said she looks like she might have some Purple line genetics going on.

We had to make a couple stops on the way home so it took 3 hours to get home and a trip to Walmart but she didn't seem to care much and is now investigating her new home.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/12742653_10208794618807905_590200429234139982_n.jp g?oh=1a4d2330bcbacae61ccf15ecff9b3010&oe=5761F4ED

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12745716_10208794619327918_2832978162557499611_n.j pg?oh=a6a3b015724156cbe3699812b36f83a9&oe=576A9CA2

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12662663_10208794620407945_6796869481844872891_n.j pg?oh=621929f16493e0f7b79c2486de5e38bc&oe=576F60FF

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/12734061_10208794622047986_1681229363687905728_n.j pg?oh=cd3892b2c59d6ff1a4acdd726ba94a40&oe=576411C4

Belly pic! She has a small scar a little bit above her cloaca but it doesn't seem to be an issue.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12688234_10208794621047961_4614964291232405442_n.j pg?oh=521f4f30750bfea7cd13ace09a63d2a6&oe=576A574C

Exploring her new home. Paper towels for a couple weeks to monitor, then aspen chips.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/12642855_10208794623128013_9199665899614837702_n.j pg?oh=f8add2565e08323c626faf9d15b9b8b1&oe=5732C2F3

That brings the total to three in a year and a half.

02-13-16, 02:39 AM
Yay! Another one to add to the fandom! ^_^

02-13-16, 02:42 AM
I think we all need to have an RA meeting... At least this one isn't going to get 6ft or need a giant cage...

02-13-16, 07:23 AM
Congratulations! They truly are wonderful additions. They have a very distinct personality too.
Hard to believe they are all that small one day.

02-13-16, 08:44 AM
love the name hoggle! great looking snakes.

02-13-16, 12:10 PM
So tiny! I need one so bad! Post lots more pictures of your new friend :)

02-13-16, 03:07 PM
Thanks! She's just too cute. I would guesstimate to length to be about 6 inches. Can't wait to weigh her for the first time. Usually super tiny snakes scare me because I'm afraid of hurting them or dropping them but she hangs on and is robust enough that I'm okay. She's housed in my kingsnake's baby cage.

02-13-16, 06:29 PM
She's awesome, keep us updated.

02-14-16, 05:07 AM
Of course I will! So, I checked on her after I got home from work tonight. When I went to work she was out, curled up behind her black hide. When I came home, she was inside the hide. I was mainly looking for poo and I found one on one of the paper towels that she was partially laying on. I had to disturb her to clean so I figured that it wouldn't hurt to take an extra couple seconds to quickly weigh her. I've been dying to know what she weighs. She had three poos in her deli cup and one on the towel, she ate on Wednesday. Therefore, she should be fairly empty even if not completely empty. Took a couple shots, got her weight, then kindly returned her. Took less than five minutes. I know you're not supposed to bother them at all for at least a week but oh well. She didn't seem to mind all that much except she did look a little puffy necked at first, ever so slightly.

I also really love her little head spot.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xal1/v/t1.0-9/12717163_10208802639368414_9170976216870379434_n.j pg?oh=2db183fa81d14e5860a387697f6dd8da&oe=5762BD4A

Pictures taken with flash in my kitchen seem to give the best snake coloring on my phone. The flash makes her a little lighter/brighter than I get to see her with my own eyes but otherwise pretty accurate. It's also the best place for BRB photos in my house.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xla1/v/t1.0-9/12745478_10208802639528418_473451633983166599_n.jp g?oh=0cb8e6f5ecf404fae16c19a433e2b01c&oe=575E2F3F

My scale sometimes changes by 1g. So... Call her 11g..
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlp1/v/t1.0-9/12728846_10208802640248436_3522229494915837067_n.j pg?oh=b6d5143a3fa5153d7dd8a41b7a642cbf&oe=5728B40C

Or call her 10g.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfl1/v/t1.0-9/12734172_10208802640608445_1034779863605480069_n.j pg?oh=8b7a0d34bdcc52881b292d0d0e28f7c2&oe=57322952

Hoggle has no heat at the moment because with my house windows open all night.. this little heat wave we're having is keeping the house mid-70s all night. I heard it's supposed to be 90 soon. Already? And we had an earthquake tonight because the ground is so unhappy with the dramatic swings. A few weeks ago it was freezing and pouring rain. What happened? Should I blame the groundhog? Anyway, her tank has a heatpad but no thermostat so my new thermostat should be here on Monday. I was going to use it for my BRB but he's only going to use his for what? A few more weeks at most? If it wasn't for winter nights in my bedroom getting down to 60, I probably wouldn't need a heat pad at all for him!

Don't mind the mess, I need to clean my shelving unit. It's full of sytrofoam for future snake use if needed, school books, supplies, paper... so much paper.. random sheep skull bits... My king is in the APcage, Hoggle is in the tiny one below it. It's got the dimensions of a short 10g basically. Hoggle has no thermometer (ignore the stuck on one on the side because this was my king's baby cage) but I have a laser temp gun so I don't actually need one, especially since there's no heat yet. The plastic lid on top is just to keep my cat from sitting on the screen and bending it. After his first omg snake fit, he's been good about leaving her alone so far. I have five cats but one is extremely crazy about snakes while all the others only notice them when they realize there is one a short distance away from them in my hands or wiggling on the ground. I lock the crazy one up when I have them out, but I can control the others well enough that I don't need to lock them up. I am extremely cautious and the cats are generally not ever within three feet of any snake. I already had one accident with my king and freaked out over it (long story short, cleaning her cage, she flew out unexpectedly and fell to the ground. Not wanting her to get attacked or lost, I immediately swoop to grab her and on my way up, my crazy cat swiped her with a claw. He was out because I wasn't planning on having her out so it should have been perfectly safe.)
Anyway, you can actually see both Hoggle and Eir in this picture, can you spot them?
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfl1/v/t1.0-9/12744368_10208799655413817_1103265842266931693_n.j pg?oh=6b266a97663ee82afa1f2e3f905cdfb9&oe=57308726

02-15-16, 10:58 AM
Nice addition! I think everyone here know I love my hoggies!!

I would suggest access to heat of 90 to 92 degrees at all times. I will also say that if your ambients drop much below 74 you will have an infrequent feeder on your hands. Just some thoughts. :)

02-15-16, 09:03 PM
Thanks for the tips! Her thermostat came today and its been low 80s every afternoon this weekend so she's been okay. Didn't get the chance to get food so she had to wait until tomorrow

02-15-16, 10:28 PM
I'm so jealous!!!

02-16-16, 12:35 AM
I love her, so cute!

02-16-16, 02:54 AM
Today as I was getting ready for work [I sit beside the cages every day and my king often comes out to watch me], I noticed that Hoggle was rearranging her cage. She moved her hide and starting trying to dig under it so she was popping it up. All I could see of her was her tiny tail tip and it was wagging. So cute. I tried to get a video but she moved her tail under some of the paper towels so it didn't work so well.

02-16-16, 03:20 AM
I don't think she even has to try...

02-16-16, 05:34 AM
Well, I say try because she's on the paper towels still and the hide was pushed against the glass so there was really no where for her to go xD She wasn't just pushing it around and going under or something. She did happen to be under the paper towels under the hide when I peeked on her tonight buuut I don't think she achieved that with the way she was digging earlier.

02-17-16, 12:33 AM
Attached her thermostat tonight.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpl1/v/t1.0-9/12742544_10208823290924690_3991209986740613141_n.j pg?oh=cad2734fb7302ddc1debe97745486f52&oe=5760064F

Pinkie one down the hatch! She was a little stressed about getting shifted around with the thermostat stuff so it took me putting the pinkie in her face before she got interested and then she slowly opened her mouth and started eating... as in no strike at all. I've seen human babies attack spoons more aggressively than she did!
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11988557_10208823291404702_5183771813479358942_n.j pg?oh=361b75ca1370aaaf792eb38222f59122&oe=5767C3B6

I thought it was too small while she was eating, I guess I'm not used to big cheeks, but it left a decent little lump. It was 2g compared to her 11g.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/12733488_10208823291564706_6029701135969760341_n.j pg?oh=2d0e651fd5032ee2004d50d309bcde03&oe=57273EFB

02-17-16, 12:37 AM
Mine rarely ever strike when feeding. They seem more.....demure when taking their meal. Like a lady or gentleman out to mid-day tea in am english garden. XD

02-17-16, 12:50 AM
Perfect explanation. Not gonna lie, that picture of the hoggie with the top hat and mustache is totally one thing that made me love them.

02-17-16, 07:51 AM
They tend to latch on if the pinkie is pressed against their snout. One of their quirks. :)

02-19-16, 04:41 AM
Took my baby out tonight. Such a good thing I checked on her. Not sure what happened but there was a small strip of paper towel in her water dish, the dish was bone dry, and the two layers of paper towels were wet. Not sure if it had been bumped or if the towel was to blame. Gave her nice dry paper towels to replace them. She did really well tonight. It's only been 6 days but I needed to take her out anyway and it's been 24 hours since she ate. I got a couple little videos but I can't share my fb videos due to settings and it's taking forever to upload anything right now so no youtube. Got her length! A teeny 8 inches!

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12733455_10208839186122060_3908532236713701364_n.j pg?oh=0893d5c7d18dab454cf559e2bc920831&oe=5727CA5E
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-0/p280x280/12741915_10208839199882404_2077181832895468764_n.j pg?oh=53df486b85c065c0ec4fd9000260e3f7&oe=572791CC

02-19-16, 12:10 PM
Glad you're really enjoying your first hognose snake! Tons of fun.

Just an FYI, that scar above her cloaca is most likely where she was attached to her yolk. AKA, belly button. It won't be an issue.

02-19-16, 07:06 PM
That's what I was discussing with Minkness the day I got her but we agreed that it didn't sound the same. I havent looked again because I keep forgetting to but I'm pretty sure I saw one clean vertical line along her horizontal belly scales (typically what I think of in regards to belly buttons) but this one was between that and the cloaca and comes from all directions kind of messing up the belly scales. I'll try to get a better look later today and maybe a clear photo if possible. I could be completely wrong in memory.

02-21-16, 05:51 AM
Not sure if it's new tank syndrome or not but I already see her more than either of my other two. And I typically see my king's little face peeking out of her hide to watch the world go by from her safe spot. I went to check on her water because that stone-y material mixed with a screen top means that the water out of the dish evaporates very quickly and it's a small dish. Besides, I had that spill the other day so I had to double check that it didn't happen again. Her humidity is in the 40%, simply ambient humidity for my house. [My king's ambient humidity in her AP is typically 60% whereas my brb's RUB likes to drop to the mid-80's in humidity if I'm not careful or if the moss is drying out like it has the past few days].

Like I said I would, I was able to capture a couple quick and decent pictures of Hoggle's belly 'scar'. I think it might be her belly button, but something kinda went wrong with it. I'm not worried about it, just something to monitor. Her tummy's mostly black so it's really hard to get a decent shot of a black shiny belly on a squiggleworm.

To show where along her body it is. Remember, she's only barely 8 inches long.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/12728764_10208846913835248_4360301066684836109_n.j pg?oh=91278154709d2a239aa925b225776fe2&oe=576290A5

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/12743702_10208846913515240_1014915266705226325_n.j pg?oh=c3d9d82d99a63fa1ae3d229a44bf5839&oe=5754EF5F

It indents.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12743508_10208846914435263_3984545168937695017_n.j pg?oh=4da4eb03d3c24fc88d707f03aaa54d5e&oe=57676E3C

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/12745759_10208846914915275_9170074756642975372_n.j pg?oh=ff9f82d1a3554a154385bc35d8ffd55b&oe=57251F5D

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/12743702_10208846913515240_1014915266705226325_n.j pg?oh=c3d9d82d99a63fa1ae3d229a44bf5839&oe=5754EF5F

Final super close shot.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12743749_10208846918235358_5348580957933404291_n.j pg?oh=06681830b5d12727ef6ef54e84e673ad&oe=572B852D

So glad I have a sister who is willing to help me with the noodles. She was able to get these shots for me while I held her.

02-21-16, 09:57 AM
Yeah that looks healed but looks like it was once a wound.

02-21-16, 01:49 PM
The scales remind me of a rattler!

02-21-16, 01:51 PM
Looks like what my friend Aaron mentioned, where the umbilicus was attached. Some hatchlings of this particular species, especially those whose eggs are cut by the breeder , will hatch out with the umbilicus still attached. When this happens, injury can occur due to the tugging involved from normal movements, and that's the result. It does occasionally occur no matter what, though.

As far as activity levels, hognose are much more active than some other commonly kept colubrids, with a fast metabolism as well provided the heat is there. You're probably just seeing normal behaviour.

02-21-16, 05:13 PM
I'm pretty sure, considering that the territories undoubtedly overlap, that hognoses use their looks as a defense. If it looks like a rattler, it should probably just be left alone. But I dont see much rattle tail from them so maybe it's just coincidence.

Yeah, whatever happened has healed up nicely. I can see how the issue with the umbellicus could happen, and after getting a better look at it, I think that's the most likely scenario. I hope the indented part doesnt give me any trouble when she sheds.

The activity surprises me a little because when reading up on their adult requirements I was coming up on such tiny cage sizes. Which, I mean, they stay tiny but more active snakes generally benefit most from more room. Her current tank is a short 10g and she barely measures the length of one short side.

I've noticed the fast metabolism and I'll come up with a proper feeding schedule for her over the next few weeks. I'll probably feed today since it's feeding day for my boa as well. It's been five days for her already.

02-21-16, 05:21 PM
When mine were itty bitty babies I fed twice a week 2-3 pinkies. Once theybhit about a year old, they dropped down to once a week on their own and the females now only feed about every other week. You would think they would eat more but they don't. Nothing in their tanks/tubs change they just refuse every other week. I have one male who still on his winter strike, but he is still very healthy and full of attitude lol.

As for tank sizes, my girls are far more active than my boys. The albino is in a 20 long and does fine in there. She has 2 hides and climbs all over them as well as burrows and sometimes just runs laps. The other female is in a large tub and does alot of the same. Both have enough room to stretch their full length and they do laps no matter how large the set up is, or what else I put in there for them.

So, your girl should be fine in a 20 long or equivalent when adult. All of my males are in 10s and they have enough room to stretch out and be as active as they wish. But again, they are less active than the females for some reason.

02-21-16, 06:14 PM
They won't rattle. They will curl up their tail, accompanied by a waving motion, closed mouth strike, hiss and flatten/hood instead.

The scar will become less apparent as the animal sheds and ages, I don't anticipate problems with sheds for you.

These guys are really active but due to their small size, you don't NEED to go too big but there's no harm in doing so, provided they remain as strong feeders on whatever schedule you choose to put them on. My hatchlings were kept in deli cups after the first 2 feedings, then a shoe box size rubbermaid rack sysem. Adults were kept in sweater box size rubbermaid racks which each tub measured out with a 23x13 inch floor space.

Aside from one female that would attempt to eat anything including fingers, tongs, blankets, or carpet... they were all handed very regularly and very docile aside from the odd bluff fest.

This species pigged out for me. My babies were fed every 3 to 4 days, adults every 5. Smaller more frequent meals are best and keep them on mice due to the lower fat and higher calcium content of adult mice vs rat pups. You'll get much better calcified eggs from the female if you do this and of course rat pups will fatten them up and breeding issues will probably result. The only time females would go off feed was when gravid and males would skip the odd meal here and there, mostly when actively breeding. They will go on food strikes if they catch a cool enough breeze so keep that in mind as well.

Saying all that...I don't doubt that Mink is keeping his properly...just not something I ever experienced and it could even come down to where you live. :)

02-21-16, 06:34 PM
You're making me want one!!!! You're both a bad influence.

02-21-16, 06:57 PM
Hehehe bad influences everywhere! I'm really enjoying her so far. She hangs on so that even though she's tiny, I'm not afraid of dropping her like I'm still afraid with my king. She doesnt hang on as well as my rainboa and she also moves much more than he does so she's a sort of mix between the two as far as handling goes. I also see her more often. I check on my rainboa every couple days at least (usually uncover him and pet his side to laugh at the way it moves) and I can go a week or more without even seeing my king poke her head out so having a snake that is more active and out almost every afternoon has been really cool. In the research i did before purchasing, I didnt run across their activity level, at least not in a way that stuck out. I kind of assumed they would be more like sand boas who you hardly ever see. I need to fiddle with her set up. Her hot spot was getting up to 91... With the thermostat set off... At 9pm when it was 70some in my house. I've turned down the thermostat to help keep it in the proper range. The uth is a Zoomed one so I cant place the probe between the mat and the glass and it was only the center of the heat mat, under the cork log, that was getting that hot. Her cage remains around 87 for her hot spot. Over 90 with no added heat can be very dangerous when the temps start to rise afterall. She's utilizing all parts of her cage. Cool side and hot side, scaling corners, and crawling over the cork so she doesnt seem to be bothered by the temps at least.

02-21-16, 07:12 PM
I might change my opinion of holding a super tiny snake but I'm more afraid with holding my gecko who pulls daredevil jumps. One thing to drop a tiny snake but it's another to have a lizard jump from 5ft in the air like a superhero. First time her back feet caught my arm while front were spread out while I was standing on a concrete floor. Scared the crap out of me.

I have another month to mull it over as I won't make this expo so have to wait until end of March.

02-21-16, 07:15 PM
I havent experienced her trying to flee or fly away from me. My king does that every once in a while and that is scary but Hoggle seems content to weave in and out of my fingers. I can upload a video of me handling her to youtube if you'd like? I have a couple including one of me letting her on the counter and picking her up which shows more variety in handling.

02-21-16, 07:18 PM
Sure that would be great.

02-21-16, 07:32 PM
Hogs really are great 'everything' snakes. Display, hamdle, personality, relatively easy feeders (i can't keep ambient temps up where I'd like because cresties are in thesame room and I can't let it get above 80, but I have noticed that on warmer days, they are far more acrive than when it's 75 in the room).

02-21-16, 08:08 PM
I don't suppose Hoggle is a name in reference to a certain film containing a fabulous goblin king is it?

02-21-16, 08:31 PM
Yes it is! My mom suggest something related to Hogwarts and I went "In that case, why not Hoggle? It works for a girl too." and it stuck. It's very hard for me to joke about names... They end up sticking. It broke my god naming theme. Eir and Xango are both gods.

Also heres the video Hoggle (https://youtu.be/YTtYo0AFp_8)

02-22-16, 07:46 AM
Reminds me of side winder rattle snake. So much wriggling and movement but not much forward movement.

02-29-16, 05:37 AM
Hoggle got her aspen upgrade tonight! I was supposed to feed her and ended up doing this instead so she'll get fed tomorrow. I've been shooting for every 5ish days but I slipped up this week so I'll probably give her a little extra. Couldn't feed her after the stress of the upgrade and handling tonight of course. Won't hurt her any. She seems to be liking this whole aspen thing so far. I also think she seems to be making friends with my cat... One of my cats who never pays attention to my snakes has been sitting and watching her recently. I caught her almost nose to nose with a curious Hoggle with the screen between them and Hoggle all stretched out towards here. Strange creatures... She's still not allowed up by the snake's cage.

Her cage looks so nice now!
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/12246664_10208918173696700_7040941130622743552_n.j pg?oh=9cf6b72e0b0b4a9a2eb75290fb3c7488&oe=57585DEF

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12794504_10208918174296715_6707231147221786633_n.j pg?oh=341b74f29c5a370ccac3fe4659968e12&oe=575D1E07

And she gained a half inch in the last 10 days! [No weight though which tells me that her feeding schedule is off [duh]]
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/12798893_10208918585466994_7612078649010558889_n.j pg?oh=ab975ccab26e8706b63d217608c4dcff&oe=57511676

04-17-16, 10:10 PM
New Hoggle pics! She's up to 14g but I don't have an updated length. Can't wait for the day she gets off of pinkies...

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlt1/v/t1.0-9/13051648_10209421635362927_7660856813642522024_n.j pg?oh=47cea30cede07b54c25bda87a40cfc75&oe=577449FC

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/13010708_10209421635562932_1283680014265825863_n.j pg?oh=78650b40865cbb9036f0351a2d43c8f7&oe=57AF161E

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/13012785_10209421637202973_6380245520007662243_n.j pg?oh=331e419fbfb62bf75bab28a0e63117d5&oe=57BE37AF

EL Ziggy
04-17-16, 10:33 PM
Cute little critter :).

04-18-16, 12:35 AM
New Hoggle pics! She's up to 14g but I don't have an updated length. Can't wait for the day she gets off of pinkies...

Meh, my female thayeri is off mouse pinkies, takes rat pinks now, and tried for an index finger the other night. Guess I shouldn't have reached in there w/out offering food first, lol. I house her with the male, but separate them for feeding. No problems picking up either one once they have a mouthful of food, or after it's down the hatch. This wasn't a defensive strike or bite, she simply clamped onto my finger apparently thinking it was edible, and held on for a minute before she let loose. Had to run cold water over her one time she tried to eat my finger, she was actually starting to work her jaws around the tip to swallow it. Actually a very mellow disposition in general, but seems a bit confused about the difference between fingers and food. Not a scent issue, I hadn't been handling any mice before I reached in to pick her up. Just saw her roaming around the tank and figured I'd handle her while she was out and about already. Not something I'd particularly want to deal with in a hognose, I'd prefer not to find out through experience how I'd react to their relatively mild venom.

Albert Clark
04-18-16, 01:34 PM
I havent experienced her trying to flee or fly away from me. My king does that every once in a while and that is scary but Hoggle seems content to weave in and out of my fingers. I can upload a video of me handling her to youtube if you'd like? I have a couple including one of me letting her on the counter and picking her up which shows more variety in handling.
Great progression story Lefitte. The hoggie looks fantastic! Good job. Thanks for the vid also. ;)

04-18-16, 11:20 PM
Thanks EL!

Thankfully the only time I've been bitten so far was the tiniest of nips by my brb when I tried to "recapture" him. Hoggle's pretty much always chill and I use tongs to feed everyone. I have to push the food into her mouth, even the time I skipped a feeding accidentally she wss still super mellow about it. I'm considering another place to put her cage though because my cats have been pretty bad about watching her and pawing at the cage.
It's been a lot of fun getting to know her. Each one of my cnakes is so very different. Hoggle is super mellow, holds on a little and moves like a worm weaving through my fingers and forcing her way through then with her nose. My kingsnake Eir is turning two years soon but she's still super flighty, angree pees in me, rattlesnake tails every time I take her out and is generally always pissy. Xango my 10mo brb is sweet as a puppy. He's so chill about everything that if I described him to someone they'd probably think he was a ball python. When I take him out to the petstore with me people are like "he doesn't bite?" and I go and pet his head before he curls back around my neck. Nope. Not at all.

05-31-16, 03:27 AM
Hoggle Update!

She continues to be super sweet. She gets a little nervous when I first reach in and she'll try to scale the walls and watches my hand so I'm careful when I first reach in and touch her a few times before trying to pick her up but once all that is over, she's perfectly fine. And even then, she doesn't even huff. She's steadily growing even if it seems so slow and she's hardly shedding. I'm used to monthly sheds and she's not quite that fast. Probably because I'm not feeding her as often as I should, just can't get used to this whole five day schedule for some reason. But she's 10" and 17g now which is much bigger than she was when I got her in February. She's out all the time and it's been a lot of fun seeing her roam around her little tank.

https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13230301_10209663191361676_1665862748791296864_n.j pg?oh=d890773487a9bc4b8794e84b20166911&oe=57CCAF90

https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13177153_10209663193081719_2802919211947987551_n.j pg?oh=2f3910f9c0ce53273cac5d9adb3c10c6&oe=57C81486

09-21-16, 04:03 AM
It's time for a Hoggle update!
This little girl is just great. Every once in a while she will hiss when I reach in her cage, but that's only started recently after one of the cats somehow got her cage open enough to fit a paw inside. She was fine but I still don't know how they managed to pull the pin out and slide open the door...
She's approx. 10 months and 37g of wonderful.

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14264949_10210602725129433_884975836580919756_n.jp g?oh=de561329a9b91714eae8819803632885&oe=58844B44

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14232469_10210602725969454_8468767199704435811_n.j pg?oh=bf34294ae162c213e8685e2db75cf29e&oe=5868031E

But she still hasn't grasped the concept that she can't fit under my bracelets.
https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p206x206/14054980_10210403138019880_1687622849513942817_n.j pg?oh=dcd916878bd8e07a2a34c948d066f7e7&oe=58856B9B

She is my mom's favorite out of my snakes because she enjoys watching her run around her 'racetrack' every morning.
https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14333583_10210733185190853_8030354909953645586_n.j pg?oh=bf7876a4173d52944a91ae7eea3a4209&oe=583BB548

The right corner, partially hidden under the red leaf, has become her favorite spot lately. It's partly over the heat pat [as is the black hide] and she can watch what's going on in the house. She's getting close to the length of her cage which is 10in. She's on a fuzzy every 7-10 days [as in, I try for 6-7 and sometimes it ends up more like 10]. She's getting up there.

09-21-16, 11:50 PM
Cool little hognose! I recently just got my very first snake which is also a hognose :) I finally got mine to feed and im hoping that it will stay that way. I want wait until i try to handle him a little at a time :P

09-22-16, 01:07 AM
She's been very good since day 1 about handling and feeding. She's usually very gentle when feeding and will simply slowly open her mouth around the prey with zero strike. Sometimes she'll kind of do it more quickly which I guess you can call a strike but compared to my other two snakes, it's nothing at all.

Congrats on your little one! I really, really enjoy my hognose.

09-22-16, 01:26 AM
Cutie! Love the name "Hoggle" :D

09-22-16, 02:29 AM
Thanks! It's from the movie The Labyrinth so her cage is actually lined with Labyrinth quotes.
https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14359271_10210742303218798_96782974075899454_n.jpg ?oh=d78ec8d814383b1af71ae67a645b9118&oe=5839162D

09-22-16, 10:59 AM
I really like how you do the themed cages, looks great.