View Full Version : Popeye Progression Thread

02-11-16, 02:38 AM
Hi all,

So I always love stumbling upon a progression thread, especially one with heaps of pages for me to read, so I though of starting one for Popeye. At almost a year old, he's still got heaps of growing to do, and I look forward to sharing his journey with you all.

I remember once, I saw a picture of a snake in a sweater, and I had a brainwave. I brought out heaps of fabric and started to try and make one for Popeye. My second brainwave was to let him watch. Well, when I pricked my finger on the needle for the hundredth time, I dropped the whole idea. But then came my second problem. Where was Popeye gone.

After turning the house upside down, and realising I'd have to tell my parents, I began packing up the fabrics. And guess who I found? Popeye, curled up, fast asleep, in the middle of the pile. I couldn't stay mad when I saw him steadily breathing, curled up in a little ball.

I've had heaps of great memories with him, and hopefully, I can share many more with you all. Here are his pics from today. They're just crapppy phone pics though. One is to show him trying to slink back into his old hide. Poor guy doesn't realise he can't fit anymore. Second is a close up to show how he is in shed now. He should shed tonight or tomorrow night.

Cheers everyone,

02-11-16, 03:07 AM
Awww bless his cuteness! i can totally imagine him all curled up. I hate when you lose a snake the feeling of your heart as it sinks is horrible! When i first got mercy i lost her for 3 days. Looking forward to this thread flourishing with updates :)

02-11-16, 03:13 AM
Me too. It really is terrifying when you lose them. But he was so cute, I couldn't stay mad at all!

02-11-16, 06:22 AM
Popeye is a great looking herp. I lost my Stimmie once, first day I got him. I searched my whole room for him and he was nowhere to be found, In the end we found him squeezed into the roof of my vivarium. He struck at me while I was trying to poke him out, can't blame him haha.

Since then I've been keeping him in a tub until he's too big to get into corners like that haha, It stresses him out too much trying to get him out.

Can't wait to see more of Mr. Popeye, I wonder how big he'll end up with all those mixed genes in him? Also what are you feeding him right now, If i were to guess he'd be on large weaners/small rats?

It's interesting to see how dependent snakes are on food to grow, my little guy Bowie is around the same age as yours and only 70g right now, not even half your guys weight If i were to guess. I'm trying to grow him out a bit now that he's not living in a shoebox. :)

EL Ziggy
02-11-16, 07:33 AM
Popeye is lookin good H! I'm looking forward to his progression.

02-11-16, 08:18 AM
Nice looking Carpet.

02-11-16, 09:19 AM
What a beauty, carpets have gotta be one of my favorite pythons ;)

02-11-16, 01:22 PM
Thanks all! Sam, what species is your 70g one. Popeye eats one weaner or one 14 day old quail a week and was 376g last time I weighed him.

02-11-16, 01:24 PM
I'm not too sure how big he'll get. He's a strong boy now, so I can't imagine how strong he'll grow!

02-12-16, 03:14 AM
My little man is keeping me waiting, so here are some pics to keep you all occupied.

First up, this was taken a few weeks back. He visited the box we brought him home in. Note that back then he had enough room to slither around in. Now...

IMG_20160131_172957 - My Photo Gallery (http://www.ssnakess.com/gallery/showfull.php?photo=1490)

Can't remember when I took this...

IMG_20160109_200534 - My Photo Gallery (http://www.ssnakess.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=1492)

And he may be cute, but he is also viscous when food is involved...

IMG_20160118_204511 - My Photo Gallery (http://www.ssnakess.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=1491)

NOTE - I posted links because I couldn't right click for properties. I'll try and find a way around this soon.


02-12-16, 03:15 AM
Or are they supposed to post this way?

02-13-16, 12:32 AM
Not long now folks, Popeye's shed has begun!

02-13-16, 10:09 PM
Here he is guys! Popeye decided to start shedding in the middle of handing yesterday, and he did the entire shed infront of me, rubbing himself against my fingers, phone and camera to remove the skin. It was awesome.

Here is his new suit;
IMG_20160213_181053 - My Photo Gallery (http://www.ssnakess.com/gallery/showfull.php?photo=1494)
IMG_20160214_080202 - My Photo Gallery (http://www.ssnakess.com/gallery/showfull.php?photo=1493)

I even got him balled up like a BP, but that pic won't upload. :( I still can't upload pics properly for some reason. Won't let me right click for properties.

Cheers everyone,

02-14-16, 12:17 AM
An outside pic. I think I finally figured out the upload thing.