View Full Version : BP Hard Lump Near Bottom, Need Advice

02-05-16, 02:11 AM
Please Help! 0_O
SO, My ball has been having issues i believe its been 2 weeks now that hes had this lump, I am only feeding him Fuzzies, but yet he has a lump near the end of his tail that's pretty hard. A friend who owns BP's for a long time tells me he experienced the same thing before that my snake is "backed up" basically its hard poop.
So we soak him and he poops a little (very little) (he hasn't eaten for 4 weeks) The lump didn't improve any. my friend tries squeezing a little to try to help my BP get it out, it doesn't really help. He said its probably from not enough heat. so i up my heat to 80 degrees.
Next day my BP has red marks on its tail i assume from him trying to squeeze said poop out. He said "that's normal, same thing happened with mine." We add a heating pad on a corner of the container so he can lay on that to help loosen the poop.
Well two days later it looks worse- more red. The lump hasn't gotten worse but it hasn't gotten better either. Also he avoids the heating pad which is not too hot i swear. I'm really getting worried. I soaked him in warm water again (a little warmer than last time) i didn't squeeze on him like my friend did b4 or anything i was worried it was injuring him. i'm really starting to worry here its going on a month now that he hasn't ate and the lumps still there. What can i do?
What if its not poop at all... ?
Im going to attach a picture of what he currently looks like... Hes a Black Eyed Leucistic Ball Python Morph, He has always been a little on the skinny side just so you know.
I need some advice other than take it to the vet. please dont waste your breath/time. That is my nxt step i just am waiting on money. Plus my friend said they might have to do surgery if the poop wont come out. im scared. 0_0 :hmm:

02-07-16, 07:11 AM
That's sad to hear. A trip to the herp vet might be in order... hope he gets better soon. :)

Albert Clark
02-07-16, 07:28 AM
Hi, everything we suggest is all speculation. The definitive course of action is the Herp vet. I know you said you are waiting on funds but you may want to take him in and work out a payment plan with the vet. This way you won't be delaying real examination and treatments. Who knows? It may be a tumor or cancer? Maybe it's parasitic? We really don't know w/o the vet checkup. Hope this helps. Also any heat pad should have a thermostat attached to it.

02-07-16, 01:31 PM
dear redslither-keep us posted on what's happening with him.

02-07-16, 08:16 PM
I know you don't want to hear it but he needs a vet sooner rather than later. If you can borrow the money or make payments to the vet I would do it. The reddening makes me think he's got an infection. If he's impacted, unable to pass stool to get the toxins out of his body and has an infection he can go downhill fast.

Please let us know how things turn out.

02-08-16, 07:52 AM
Your heat is too low as well. You need a hot spot of 90 degrees F.

Also, I think your friend is stupid.