View Full Version : Names for a female ball python?

01-28-16, 10:11 AM
So, my female ball python arrives tomorrow and a whole new snake adventure begins!

I'm looking for names? I'm rubbish at naming things haha, any suggestions? :)

01-28-16, 10:59 AM
dear dangernoodle i like the name slinkysnake. good luck with your new addition.

01-28-16, 11:04 AM

01-28-16, 11:29 AM
Mrs. Snake

01-28-16, 02:49 PM

01-28-16, 05:01 PM
This name depends on temperament: Nibbles

01-28-16, 08:10 PM
This site is awesome and has thousands of names in nice neat catagories its my go to for names
Dog Names by LowchensAustralia.com (http://www.lowchensaustralia.com/names/)


Albert Clark
01-28-16, 08:33 PM
What morph is it? I usually refer to my ball pythons as the morph that they are. Haha. My wife gives them all girly and manly names.

01-29-16, 12:43 PM
What morph is it? I usually refer to my ball pythons as the morph that they are. Haha. My wife gives them all girly and manly names.

She's a normal morph so I decided to call her Cinder :P
She's settling slowly, obviously when I first put her in she was like 'oh my gosh must find a way out!" Now shes curled up between the hide and her enclosure wall but won't go in the hide??

I'm assuming she'll go in once she's ready :) :confused:

01-29-16, 12:48 PM
She's a normal morph so I decided to call her Cinder :P
She's settling slowly, obviously when I first put her in she was like 'oh my gosh must find a way out!" Now shes curled up between the hide and her enclosure wall but won't go in the hide??

I'm assuming she'll go in once she's ready :) :confused:

Yes. Snakes know what to do and what to find to be secure.

01-29-16, 03:07 PM
She's a normal morph so I decided to call her Cinder :P
She's settling slowly, obviously when I first put her in she was like 'oh my gosh must find a way out!" Now shes curled up between the hide and her enclosure wall but won't go in the hide??

I'm assuming she'll go in once she's ready :) :confused:

I've had my red tail for 2 months now and he still does this. I don't know if he thinks hes going deeper into his hide when he does this. grant it, I do find him in his hide every now and then

01-29-16, 03:30 PM
I usually go with movie characters

01-30-16, 04:08 AM
I've had my red tail for 2 months now and he still does this. I don't know if he thinks hes going deeper into his hide when he does this. grant it, I do find him in his hide every now and then

I woke up this morning and Cinder was still climbing the walls so I checked the temperature in her enclosure to make sure she wasn't too hot thus she had more energy but all was fine. There was a distinct difference between warm and cool side plus she wraps around her water bowl to cool down too :)
So I gently picked her up and aimed her head towards the door of the hide and she went in and stayed in! I'm thinking she just needed some guidance as to where the door was :) I showed her yesterday but the new place had too many new things to sniff out so she came straight back out again and probably forgot where the hide was :P

She's in there now so hopefully she will be able to settle in properly.