View Full Version : can picky eater go back to f/t

01-26-16, 02:08 PM
my albino ball came off a 2 month hunger strike and decided he'll only eat fresh killed now. i need to get him onf/t again as i'm scared to death to kill one i get at the pet store. i know it's the food chain but i'm too soft hearted to kill the mouse. help!l

Albert Clark
01-26-16, 03:01 PM
You just have to be vigilant and the f/t has to be thawed and warmed appropriately to entice them. The heat signature is very important. Monitor his weight and don't be surprised if it takes quite some time for him to switch over. Some never switch to f/t.

01-26-16, 06:38 PM
Switch to rats and yes it's possible.

01-26-16, 08:43 PM
Because you just joined, I will mention that when Albert Clark says warmed appropriately, he does not mean the microwave.
A very short dip in hot water after being thawed, correct?
Anyway, just making sure. It was my first thought when hearing about warming up the food. Can't do it the easy way. =/

Jim Smith
01-26-16, 08:58 PM
It took me several months to get my very picky eater Hondo off of FK and back onto F/T. As stated it should be warm and I wiggle it a bit but now she's eating like a champ:) Once you get them switched back over, they seem to do fine on F/T. Good luck and keep us posted on your success.