View Full Version : Northwestern Neotropical Rattlesnake (Crotalus culminatus)

01-23-16, 10:40 PM

This young adult female northwestern neotropical rattlesnake (Crotalus culminatus) left my collection this week. Tough one to let go, but I needed the room.

D Grade
02-21-16, 03:54 PM
So much want in this thread. :( Would have definitely took it off your hands if I could keep it in AZ.

Jim Smith
02-21-16, 04:35 PM
While I don't keep any venomous snakes or lizards, I certainly recognize and appreciate the beauty of many of them. This rattlesnake is stunningly beautiful!

02-21-16, 05:38 PM
She ended up going to a zoo in South Texas, so hopefully she will become part of a breeding project there.

D Grade
02-21-16, 06:03 PM
Nightflight, what does your Crotalus collection consist of? Seems you have a pretty impressive collection of hots.

02-21-16, 06:09 PM
Nightflight, what does your Crotalus collection consist of? Seems you have a pretty impressive collection of hots.
I've scaled way back on Crotalus, and now only keep my favorite buzztail species--C. adamanteus and C. cerastes. Wait, and C. ornatus, but the latter kind of fell into my lap.

D Grade
02-21-16, 09:53 PM
Still a great collection. I would love to have an Adamanteus.

02-21-16, 10:19 PM
Still a great collection. I would love to have an Adamanteus.
C. adamanteus will definitely always have a spot close to my heart!

RAD House
02-21-16, 10:30 PM
Unbelievable snake nightflight, again.

02-22-16, 10:28 AM
That is an absolutely beautiful snake.

02-22-16, 11:51 AM
pareeee, i have to ask. where was that snake sign that you use with your name located? was that along a road or did you buy it? i'd like to have one to hang in my family room.

02-22-16, 03:23 PM
pareeee, i have to ask. where was that snake sign that you use with your name located? was that along a road or did you buy it? i'd like to have one to hang in my family room.

It was a road sign near Tobermory, Ontario, Canada. Took the photo while on vacation there one year.

02-22-16, 06:15 PM
Hey nightflight, is this neo the same as the one you listed? I've always loved the light colors but wasn't sure if it was a different locality or just a lighter phase.

02-22-16, 10:49 PM
No, the one in the picture you posted is a Yucatan neotropical rattlesnake (C. tzabcan) from the Yucatan peninsula (and Guatemala and Belize), whereas C. culminatus is found on the Pacific side of Mexico (in Michoacan, Oaxaca, and Morelos). Both are drop-dead gorgeous rattlesnakes though!

D Grade
02-23-16, 02:15 PM
I remember watching the Austin Stevens episode where we went and found a C. Tzabcan. Was love at first sight for me.

02-23-16, 06:50 PM
No, the one in the picture you posted is a Yucatan neotropical rattlesnake (C. tzabcan) from the Yucatan peninsula (and Guatemala and Belize), whereas C. culminatus is found on the Pacific side of Mexico (in Michoacan, Oaxaca, and Morelos). Both are drop-dead gorgeous rattlesnakes though!

Awesome thanks for clearing that up. I'm learning scientific names but it's a slow process!

02-23-16, 08:20 PM
I'm learning scientific names but it's a slow process!
Only because they still seem foreign to you. The trick is to constantly expose your brain to scientific names (by writing down your dream collection in scientific names, for example), which makes them appear less "hostile," and much easier to remember. This may sound silly, but it works!

02-24-16, 03:28 AM
Beautiful snake! I love rattlers!