View Full Version : My ultimate colubrid

02-22-03, 02:50 PM
Ok, so it's one of the many, but this is definitely top of the list!

<img src="http://www.members.shaw.ca/vanan/erpeton3.jpg">

<img src="http://www.members.shaw.ca/vanan/erpeton4.jpg">

<img src="http://www.members.shaw.ca/vanan/erpeton5.jpg">

<img src="http://www.members.shaw.ca/vanan/erpetonhead.jpg">

<img src="http://www.members.shaw.ca/vanan/erpetonhead2.jpg">

They had 7 of them!! 7!! No fair!!!! :grumps:

02-22-03, 03:05 PM
wow!:) look at them with their little mustaches sp? i want one!
whos are they?

02-22-03, 03:33 PM
They belong to the Vancouver Aquarium.

Sorry I didn't mention it before.

02-22-03, 04:46 PM
lol Now that little thingy need,s a shave lmao what the heck is it bud????? :) :)

02-22-03, 10:05 PM
Looks like they almost have fur. What species is that?

02-22-03, 10:36 PM
cant be fur cause it is a reptile, reptiles cant have fur or it would not be classified as a reptile. is it a moss of some sort?

02-22-03, 10:57 PM
Wow, I've never seen a snake like that. What specie is it?

Simon R. Sansom
02-22-03, 11:03 PM
Yes, the Asian Tentacled Snake (Erpeton tentaculum) is the holy grail for those of us who'd like to be able to combine our love of snakes with an interest in aquaria.
Very cool pics. It's interesting to see that algae grows on their scales. I'd love to see them feed.
Were they active at all?
The only thing I've seen that comes close to them is a big Karung, or File Snake that I saw in Windsor about ten years ago.

Thanks for sharing the excellent pics!


02-22-03, 11:16 PM

That's got to be one of the trippiest looking snakes I've ever seen!!! Would love more info on them and will do some research (thanks Simon for the latin name!) Hmmm, can't wait to find out how big they get, what they eat, what type of water care for their tanks...

Truly unique!

02-23-03, 12:04 AM
Freaky as hell, but awesome as well . I love it's colours.

02-23-03, 12:11 AM
Awesome snakes. As Simon mentioned earlier, that hairdo is algae growing on it. If you saw these guys, you'd know why. They hardly move. They just curl their tail and part of their body around a plant and stick their heads out and never move. When I first saw the display, all I saw was plants and some fish. Not the 7 snakes which were in there. Very cryptic.

Most people have had no luck keeping imports alive, but some have had results with tannins in their water. I think they require it more acidic too.

As for being active, like I said, not a stir. Until later, one of them decided to come to the front of the tank just for me. :). EVen when surface for air, they do it sooo slow and deliberately.

02-23-03, 01:06 AM
Very nice looking snakes!!!
No wonder they are on your list....they are very interesting animals!!!

Cool pics!! Thanks for sharing!!!

02-23-03, 02:56 AM
must be fun trying to get the tanks just right. Hmmm this could be a snake that Shane would be interested in. :)

02-23-03, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by Vanan
As for being active, like I said, not a stir. Until later, one of them decided to come to the front of the tank just for me. :). EVen when surface for air, they do it sooo slow and deliberately.

You should seem them eat! Blink and you'll miss it serious. My buddy in Texas has a trio and showed me feeding video, they're crazy fast at hitting and swallowing - and of course, they eat fish.

02-23-03, 01:24 PM
That has got to be the craziest looking snake I've ever seen... LOL :)

02-23-03, 07:44 PM

Nice pics man


02-23-03, 08:30 PM
A friend of mine just bred his tentacled snakes. They're live-bearers. I think he produced 3 neonates in total which dropped at the end of the summer. They are chomping on guppies and are somewhat larger now than the first time I saw them in the fall.

I know he uses alot of blackwater extract in the water, because it is always stained goldy/brown with tannins. I'll try to get some pics and more info on them for you guys next time I'm over at his place....

Oh ya, don't bother inquiring on the availability of his offspring...they are absolutely not for sale:(, but you can PM me if you want, for additional info


02-23-03, 09:05 PM

02-24-03, 02:56 AM
Damnit! Next time you're at your friends place Chris, twist his arm and get me on the phone! lol :D

Simon R. Sansom
02-24-03, 03:17 PM
Were you able to discern whether the rostral projections are moveable or do they just flop around?

Just curious...


02-24-03, 04:02 PM
Sorry Vanan...I don't mean to put the carrot in front of you like that...LOL


02-24-03, 08:55 PM
Simon, from what I saw, and I saw them twice at the Aquarium, they just sort of flop around, I mean, they're semi rigid, but not moveable per say.

02-24-03, 11:52 PM
I did not notice them being movable. I think they're there to sense a fish brushing by or swimming right in front of their noses, while they stick out motionless from a plant. Awesome ambush strategy for a snake!

Chris, it was no carrot you put out man, but a friggn diamond!! lol

02-28-03, 02:02 AM
very cool looking snakes

02-28-03, 08:01 AM
Verry kewl...too bad theres not more avaiable!