View Full Version : Meet Julius - Timon Lepidus

01-18-16, 10:12 AM
Or in the UK known as the Eyed Lizard or over the pond more commonly as the Jewelled Lacerta (and this is where the name Julius fits in, and something latin-ish and a name with a bit of impact).

Couple of phone shots below. The markings on him are out of this world, a really fantastic specimen.

Will try and keep this thread updated as he grows and colours up, should turn the most vivid green whilst keeping the iridescent blue spots.

01-18-16, 10:18 AM
Looks great!

01-18-16, 10:26 AM
Man, so jelly right now! Lol

I have wanted one for years, just not sure it will fit into my collection. I can't wate to see how he grows and colors up!

01-18-16, 11:06 AM
Thanks guys - he is a stunner. You can see why I had to pounce on him and pester Mrs Danny to bring my birthday present forward.

Would have been upset had someone else got in there first.

01-20-16, 05:38 AM
Ooooh I'm looking forward to your experiences with him as it's one of my few dream lizards (and one that I'll most likely buy someday) <3 Please, share as much as you can about him! :D

01-20-16, 05:44 AM
Thank you Sylphie - I will!

Funny because I never considered a lizard before being more of a snake person but saw this one and fell in love.

They're flighty at first, very flighty but put the time in and handle every day and they become very nearly as tame as bearded dragons.

The only other thing I can tell you at the moment is they eat like gannets. He had 11 crickets yesterday!

I'm going to repost those photos later but host them on my server so a) they're the right way up and now cropped a bit and b) they'll be bigger so you can really see the detail. Already got some really vivid green coming through.

01-20-16, 05:50 AM
Thank you! I'm a snake person too, but Timons are just too amazing to not wanting one! :D

And good to know about handling, as every article I read about them says that they are more of a "look but don't touch" lizards... and well, I like to handle my reptiles at least sometimes, haha!

I'm waiting for better pics then, and all the best for that little man!

01-20-16, 07:30 AM
More pictures below (one still upside down and I can't fix it so will have to do for now!).

Regarding handling - they do make an excellent choice for an outdoor viv (old greenhouse for eg) in most parts of Europe but kept outdoors they do remain very skittish around people.

Kept indoors and handled regularly from an early age they calm right down and will in most cases become shoulder perchers, sofa companions etc but you do have to put the work in and be confident of grabbing them gently and restraining by gently putting a thumb on the back to slow them down and wear them out when you first start handling them.

Like with snakes - 5 - 10 minutes a day at first then increasing.

If you click to enlarge the pics below you'll see just what a specimen this one is...


01-20-16, 07:34 AM
I am like you Sylphie about the desire to handle, at least some times. I have heard the same about these lizards though, that they can tame down, just takes work. But that's everything imo. I even have a leo I never handled much, and still hates being nadled. He croaks and screams and tries to tail whip when being oicked up lol. Once picked up though he's good. And I have a crested gecko I got for free because she's a total spazz and was deemed unhandleable by her previous owner. When I got her she was also mean and defensive. The day I got her she flailed and lept from my hands, belly flopped on the floor, and bit my big toe! She's calmed down alot, but she's still a spaz lol.

01-20-16, 07:37 AM
He's already stunning!
And good to know about handling, it certainly made me wanting them more, haha.

There is now an offer for 2.0, 39$ each on a local snake forum, babies from summer 2015... but well, I must wait till we move to the big house, as I don't have a space for big viv I want to made for my future Timon. Here is the pic made by breeder:

01-20-16, 07:47 AM
Nice looking lizard that - plenty of colour, particularly the blues which when they are young is what you look for.

The only need a 36"x18"x18" viv for the first couple of years. Some care sheets state that is fine for an adult but I think that is on the small side. What I may well do is upgrade the boa to a 5' viv in a couple of years and then put Julius in the that viv.

Alternatively they'll both get bigger vivs and then I will have two empty ones to put more reptiles in :) (but shh, don't tell my wife!).

01-20-16, 07:49 AM
Sounds like a plan!

01-20-16, 07:52 AM
Yeah, it really tempts me, but well, having a frequently sick snake, dog with allegry and a plan to build a house in the near future we don't have as much spare money as I would like to have while taking next animal. I guess I just need to wait for 2-3 years when the biggest commitment with building home will be gone :)

Hahaha, and I like your plan, true reptile addict way!

01-20-16, 10:36 AM
Those are neat, Iv'e considered getting these in the past, they remind me of monitors/tegus in a way :p

01-20-16, 10:45 AM
I was thinking the same thing!!! Not sure if they have hold the same intellegence and personality as moniters and tegus though.

01-20-16, 11:20 AM
Some have labelled them a mini tegu but having never kept lizards before I wouldn't know how intelligent he was.

He is inquisitive and alert though and already recognises the sound of the key going into the viv lock and that means I may be about to grab him!

He's happy to be out and about with me watching through the glass but the moment I do much as put the key in the lock he hides.

Hopefully though that means he will also been to associate me with the ensures supply of crickets he gets through!

It takes a bit of confidence to chase him round the viv and grab him ever so gently but firmly with that he can't get away. Then it's a case of holding him with enough resistance that he can still move but just not quickly. Once he realises I'm not going to eat him and I've let him nibble a finger of two he chills out and will lie on my hand for a short while before scampering off again at which point I usually let him go. 5 minutes at a time once a day at the moment but will build that up over time.

01-21-16, 06:22 AM
Cracked the proper camera out to take a photo of Julius without my hand in it and to try and better capture his juvenile colours.

He's rather full of crickets in the pic but luckily you cannot see his belly!


01-21-16, 06:34 AM
Oh, oh, is he soo blue in real too? <3

01-21-16, 06:56 AM
Hi Sylphie - I realise I had overdone the processing just a smidge.

I have re-done it and replaced so if you hit Control + F5 it will refresh your browser whilst flushing the cached image.

Now a much better representation - but yes in general it wasn't far off but the new version of the photo is truer to life...

01-21-16, 07:48 AM
No problem :) And he's stunning for sure, and cute, and oooh that pattern is so nice!

02-24-16, 07:45 AM
Thought I'd post a few new photos of Julius - he eats like a pig and has grown considerably since I got him.

He's also beginning to colour up nicely too.


02-24-16, 07:52 AM
Wow, he's amazing! Love it when you share pics of him! =)

That blue is unreal!

02-24-16, 08:07 AM
Sooo beautiful <3 How is handling going? Still jumpy, or is there progress? :) And can you maybe post a pic of his enclosure? And what do you feed him, how often, do yous use any vitamins? And what UV do you use?
Sorry for a lot of questions but I love talking to the owners of species I would like to have in future, as it's a sure way to not do any unnecessary mistakes :)

02-24-16, 08:18 AM
Thanks guys - I am very pleased with how he is coming along.

@Slyphie, I will post a pic of his viv - not much to show at the moment and I'm planning many improvements. He's also only in a 3'x18" at the moment and when he's a bit bigger he'll go in a 4x2x2.

He is still very jumpy but I am taking it very slowly in getting him tamed up. There is progress but I am purposefully handling him less and just being around his viv more, putting my hand in, getting him used to the fact I feed him etc. Before I only had to put the key in the viv lock and he was off and now more often than not he will stay in the open whilst I open it.

I feed him most days, crickets and locusts. Most feeds are just dusted with calcium powered but twice a week with a full spectrum vitamin supplement.

UV is underpowered at the moment - a 30" T8 tube. I get paid though for the first time since November (long story) and the first thing I am going to buy is a very high output D3 UV Flood like this (fon't know if you get Arcadia outside of the UK but they are top pieces of kit)


Should help him colour up even more.

02-24-16, 08:31 AM
can't wait to show my dtr. julius. she's the lizard keeper here and she'll love him.

02-27-16, 11:19 AM
No photos but just an update on the viv (as much for y own records as anything).

Bought an Arcadia D3 24W Compact UV system. Really nice power UV lamp that allows for a photo gradient in the viv much like thermal gradient. Should help Julius stay nice and healthy and colour up even more.

I also bought a Microclimate Evo thermostat. Don't think you get them in the US but they're awesome. Can set 4 different temperatures per 24h period to allow for a nice natural temperature cycle and also will control a light on the second plug.

Once I've got the viv a bit more how I want it aesthetically I'll post some pics but felt he had enough stress today with me faffing around with the electronics etc.

04-11-16, 06:54 AM
Any updates? :)

08-06-16, 09:01 AM
Realised I have posted an update onot Julius for a while. Recent photo below. His greens are just so bright now.

Also a sneak preview of some succulents I'm letting root up in readiness for going in his viv.

Albert Clark
08-06-16, 10:17 AM
Wow! He really has benefitted from all your efforts. Great job.

08-06-16, 10:51 AM
Wow! He really has benefitted from all your efforts. Great job.

Thanks Albert - he's benefited most from the high power UV. Timons LOVE their UV.

I've also gone to a bioactive substrate which he adores - can tunnel and burrow to his hearts content.

He's still flighty but taking it nice and slow with him. He will now occasionally let me touch him in his viv and he is very tolerant of my just putting a hand next to him.

I force a hold every so often but very infrequently at the moment so as not to stress him.

Diet-wise - he just loves his locusts! Proper gannet. They are fed on spinach and other green leaves.

He's at about 14" inc tail now and when I move house he's getting a nice 5x2x3 or something around there so he will tons of space.

08-27-16, 11:17 AM
Managed to get another half decent shot of Julius today. He's very active in his viv now I've gone bio.

Digs and forages for bugs and rests in hollows and burrows. Fascinating to watch his behaviour.

Just need to get the plants in which will be some point this week and then that'll be it until I move him in to a bigger viv some point early next year. Will then really go to town scaping it for him.

Albert Clark
08-27-16, 12:52 PM
Man, hes actually better off with you than in the wild! Thats the way it should be. i love the idea of him burrowing till his hearts content. i bet that is a big plus towards his quality of life in the terrarium. Thx.

08-28-16, 12:46 AM
Thanks Albert.

I need to get a decent photo of the top of his body as his marks and colouration there are incredible.

I'm really pleased with his progression and he's got bags of character-really rewarding species. I'm not pushing handling him. He doesn't much care for it so I only pick him up if I have to but I think with time he'll tame up but I'm equally halt l happy if he stays the way he is.

I can't wait until we get him the bigger viv. I've got big ideas for it!

08-28-16, 10:22 AM
looks nice and healthy. love that last picture.

08-28-16, 10:36 AM
looks nice and healthy. love that last picture.

Thank you. He's coming on in leaps and bounds. Very active and full of personality.

He'll get much bigger still. Usually get to 2-2.5' Inc tail. Body around 12". He's around half that now and CB15 but I don't know exactly when in '15 he was born so don't know his exact age.

Lifespan can be 20+ if husbandry is good. Great species and because care is so similar to bearded dragons they are very easy to keep.

08-29-16, 05:46 AM
He looks really nice! never seen anyone keep this species around here

08-29-16, 09:26 AM
He looks really nice! never seen anyone keep this species around here

They don't seem that common and I don't know why not! Easy to keep, easy to breed buy all accounts.

Finally got a decent photo of him from above...

09-10-16, 11:13 AM
Finally got the plants in his viv! Now to do something about that horrid chunk of wood! Pretty happy with how's it turned out...

11-04-16, 09:31 AM
I caught Julius mid shed yesterday and then almost done today. Just gets brighter every time. Love this guy-he's great!

