View Full Version : At a crossroad with a very ill snake..

01-15-16, 01:17 PM
Some of you may have read my previous thread about my Blood Python that hasn't eaten since October of 2014. I have been on a long heart breaking journey with this animal. I've had him for about 6 years now and I don't know what to do next.

I took him to the vet for not eating and after 3 visits and 3 failed attempts at getting a blood sample from the tail we finally sedated him and got blood from his heart.

The results came in today and they weren't good. He is very ill and it's not just a matter of him not wanting to eat. He has lost a lot of weight and muscle mass. His results showed a very high white blood cell count which indicates a infection or inflammation in the body and he also had reading of different things that the doctor said can indicate kidney failure or kidney cancer. Both are untreatable.

He asked me how much more I wanted to continue diagnosing this problem because we can reach a dead end and find out he has an incurable illness. Next would be an x ray and ultrasound to see organ function and size which would be a bill of $1,300. I hate to prolong this animal's life if he is just sick and won't get better. But then again I don't know if I can live without not truly finding out.

At this point he hasn't eaten in 15 months and lost 33% of his body weight. The effects of his illness may have reached passed what human intervention can do.

I guess I just want to hear fellow herps opinions on this. I'm truly heartbroken,.

01-15-16, 01:22 PM
Personally, I would put him down. If still curious, you can request an otopsy, but at least he wouldn't be suffering any longer.

I am so sorry to hear you are experiencing this. My heart goes out to you.

01-15-16, 01:28 PM
That's a tough decision that really only you can make. I had to make a similar decision last year with my hawk that had broken its leg. I opted for the surgery, which went OK, but, as is often the case, the hawk became sick from the stress of her confined conditions during recovery, and died. So, I wouldn't blame you if you put the snake down.

01-16-16, 07:49 AM
Thanks for your replies and opinions. And eminart I'm so sorry to hear about your hawk.

I just had a conversation with my doctor and he told me that the risk/benefit just isn't worth it. He said if it were his snake he would have him humanely euthanized as he is probably feeling pretty sick at this point.

I'm going to have to make some tough decisions.

01-16-16, 08:11 AM
Uhh so sorry to hear that. We're fighting with a ill snake now too, but unfortunately the vet is now not sure what it's is, so we're still having a lot of hope. In your place I would do as your vet said and put the poor baby to rest. But I also understand how you feel about not knowing for sure if it's the only way...

01-16-16, 08:49 PM
so sorry for your situation.