View Full Version : Timor Pythons?

01-08-16, 02:31 PM
Anyone here keep these or have any experience with them? They're beautiful snakes and I was wondering how their temperaments ect. are. Maybe interested in getting one some day.

01-08-16, 03:30 PM
From what iv'e read they are like a smaller version of a retic, though iv'e been told they're slightly more aggresive

dave himself
01-08-16, 04:01 PM
I've had the pleasure of looking after a pair of these for a few months in the shop before they where sold. The pair we had were quite nervous and were a bit prone to bite anything that moved quickly near them, but I learned that slow and steady movements ment less bites. They were very active snakes and also very alert I got many a nip just trying to get the water bowls out of the vivs. The pair we had loved to climb and we're around the 5/6ft mark and had a strong feeding response. Hope some of this has helped :)

01-09-16, 08:23 PM
Doesn't sound far off from my white lip or my retic. One person said that his adult imports are very shy but not particularly nippy or musky. They don't seem too difficult overall and they're absolutely beautiful. Maybe some day I'll keep some :)

Derek Roddy
01-09-16, 09:02 PM
Timors are neat snakes for sure but, all the ones I've had contact with were mean as....or, if they couldn't bite would crap and piss all over ya. Haha.

I have a friend who has a pair.....11 feet or so and they're a handful.....fun, but not something you'd want to handle by yourself.


01-09-16, 09:14 PM
Timors are neat snakes for sure but, all the ones I've had contact with were mean as....or, if they couldn't bite would crap and piss all over ya. Haha.

I have a friend who has a pair.....11 feet or so and they're a handful.....fun, but not something you'd want to handle by yourself.


Yeah I tend to not handle anything with an attitude by myself. When my SD retic is full grown I wont handle him alone, he's very pissy. My white lip might actually be the exception, he's VERY calm once he gets out and realizes I'm not a threat. I won't have anything so large until I live with a partner who would help me out anyway.

But 11 ft? I didn't realize they got quite that big.

01-10-16, 01:42 AM
They're very similar to dwarf Retics. The only snake that shares a genus with the retic. I'm sure if you put the work in you could get quite manageable animals(I believe Aubrey's are). This one might be something you want to hold off on. Alot of retic guys(in the future myself included) have scooped up timors after the Lacey act addition. Any animal you get your hands on now is probably going to be an import. Give it a few years and I bet we'll see CBB timors.

01-10-16, 10:10 AM
I'm definitely not talking now, just some day. I just like to get the info ahead of time :)

Derek Roddy
01-10-16, 10:15 AM
Timor's are really similar to the scrub pythons....so, if you get a chance to hang with one of those....will give you an idea of their personality. etc


01-10-16, 10:52 AM
I figured as much as far as them being similar to scrubs, those are on my want list too lol. Unfortunately though I don't know many people locally with reptiles so getting to work with them beforehand would be a long shot. Something like this I would definitely get as a baby.

Derek Roddy
01-10-16, 10:55 AM
realistically, if you're cool with the whitelip....you'll be cool with the timor as well. haha.


01-10-16, 11:04 AM
Lol, well to be fair I got lucky with my white lip, I think. Been a fairly picky eater and came in with mites, inside the cage he's very defensive and bitey but outside he's actually one of my more calm snakes. Speaking of, could you take a peek at the other thread I made?

Derek Roddy
01-10-16, 06:20 PM
Speaking of, could you take a peek at the other thread I made?

Well, it is breeding season and males will stop feeding on and off for several months. I wouldn't sweat it if he's not losing weight. He didn't get to be the size he is... by not eating. Haha.


01-10-16, 07:06 PM
Lol of course. I stopped worrying about the feeding issue since its breeding season, he's still active and not losing weight, it was more just how he defecated so long after eating is all. :)