View Full Version : Found new home for ball python :)

01-03-16, 10:07 AM
Yup, found a caring loving home for the lil guy...Mine lol.
He/she is a very sweet snake. It ate it's dinner a few days ago, I held it yesterday no hissing, puffing or striking.

Getting him to eat was the hardest part, but eat it he did! I was so happy he ate his f/t critter :smug: Took him a while to find the head but by golly he figured it out.

I've been trying to save money for the "pretty" ones, then I got to thinking. I have a perfectly nice "normal" right here in my house someone couldn't keep...I know he isn't the fancy kind but just look at his pattern and coloring. I think he is extremely pretty!

So with no futher ado I would like to introduce Reek :D

http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag141/gump742/DSC_0012_zpsxjidbcpi.jpg (http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/gump742/media/DSC_0012_zpsxjidbcpi.jpg.html)

http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag141/gump742/DSC_0031_zps0momzqqa.jpg (http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/gump742/media/DSC_0031_zps0momzqqa.jpg.html)

Albert Clark
01-03-16, 10:34 AM
Very nice Pog! Very good looking animal there. Congrats. Very vivid coloration on him makes me think he may be het for something. Definitely a keeper!

01-03-16, 10:37 AM
For a 'normal' he certainly is pretty! I agree with albert. Must be more than just normal. Maybe something that's not so noticeable like a pastel or fire or something. Love the markings on his sides!

01-03-16, 10:41 AM
Glad you're keeping them! Balls are really nice, and they aren't just a "pet rocks" like most people is thinking. Mine little guy is full of energy and sooo sweet and gentle! All the best for you and this little boy!

EL Ziggy
01-03-16, 01:42 PM
Nice save Pogie. He's a good looking BP and I like his name. He'll make a great pet :).

01-03-16, 04:26 PM
I think he is nice too :) And pretty lol. Even if he is het for something, I'll never know, I have no plans on breeding any of my snakes. I'll leave that to the pros :)

As for his name, yes still following the Game of Throne characters lol.

01-03-16, 04:29 PM
So now I have Tyrion, Drogo, Khaleesi and Cersei. And last but not least by any means is Reek :)

Game of Thrones characters, guess I better stop here rotfl. I'm full up on snakes :p

01-03-16, 04:57 PM
Good looking little guy :D Normal bps are very nice, this is a prime specimen!