View Full Version : New to this forum, not to reptiles

01-02-16, 07:16 PM
Hello all. My name is Brance & I stumbled across this forum while searching for some information online. I've been keeping & breeding reptiles (mostly snakes) for over 20yrs. I used to be heavily active on a few venomous forums about 5yrs ago using the handle TexasTreeViper. I kept/bred arboreal vipers exclusively for around 10yrs but got out of the hobby a few years ago & got into ball pythons. Currently I'm only breeding balls but have slowly started to rebuild my hot collection. I also have a couple bloods, Borneo short-tails, a retic & a dwarf caiman.

Tiny Boidae
01-02-16, 07:23 PM
Oh man bloods are amazing. I love those big, teethy slugs. Welcome to the tbread, hopefully you'll be staying a while :)

01-02-16, 07:52 PM
Welcome aboard! Another long-term venomous keeper here. Looking forward to seeing some of your contributions.

01-03-16, 02:02 PM
Thanks for the welcome!

Back when I lived in Texas, (I'm in South Dakota now) I didn't live too far from you Thomas. I believe we may have even spoken a time or two.

01-03-16, 02:51 PM
Very cool! Shoot me a pm sometime and refresh my memory--I'd love to hear what you've been up to.