View Full Version : Cage Wide Hide

01-02-16, 02:14 AM
Looking into how I am to dress up the cage I ordered (AP Cages T20), there is the issue of hide placement. I see hot hide and cold hide being the most popular I was thinking about the idea of providing a gradient.

The current idea is that the back of the cage would have this wall-to-wall open bottom box with entrances (3?) along the forward facing side. Kind of bulky, but it would provide a hide in which the snake could adjust itself.

Any feasibility to this idea or will it not make any difference to the snake and I am just overthinking this?

Missed an issue: Getting the snake out easily...

01-02-16, 07:42 AM
You don't mention the species that you're going to be keep in that enclosure. For most species, you would be setting yourself up for several issues, one being access to the animal when you need it (as you mentioned). Another one is the fact that you're essentially providing the snake with an enclosure within the enclosure, and it may decide to spend the vast majority of its time there. You can see that issue in enclosures that have a removable background insert, as snakes love to crawl behind it and only emerge when necessary. If I was in your shoes, I'd simply place two or three traditional hide spots throughout the enclosure, and call it good.

01-02-16, 02:01 PM
Second the idea of keeping easy access, most of em like to get in the least accessible place possible so wherever that is, expect snakes there.

01-03-16, 11:03 AM
Aside from possibly never seeing the animal, and not having access to him directly, you wouldn't be able to clean that portion of the cage.