View Full Version : Jeepers, creepers, let us see those peepers!

12-29-15, 01:11 AM
One of the things I LOVE about just about all reptiles are their eyes. So beautiful in so many ways!

I doubt I will ever win a photo contest, so figured I would just start a running thread for peopleto post pictures of their reptiles (or amphibians) eyes!

I'll get things rolling with a few pics of my own.

First 2 are Persephone, my female IJ carpet python. She has the prettiest eyes imo in my collection.

Next 2 are Ms.Lovett (aka Killjoy) my newst addition who is a female rough scale sand boa. Love how her face stripes continue through her eyes. Makes them very hard to see, which I find facinating!

Last one is my yellow dalmation female crested gecko, Mango. Crestie eyes are some of the freakest things lol. They always look so alert or surprised!

12-29-15, 01:16 AM
In this pan4we have Evillene, female albino western hognose. Albino eyes REALLY freak me out. My least favorite of eyes unless they are that vibrant orange of albino retics!

Horus, male normal red phase western hognose. His remind me of a happy fish....lol.

Amara, female ivory NP. Love the stark black against her white scales! In the right light though, her iris is navey blue and her pupil is red. Very strange, but neat.

And last for now is Moko, male lesserbee BP. His eyes are actually GREEN! This amazed me when I first noticed as I had no idea snake eyes could be that color!

12-29-15, 01:24 AM
I'll add this picture of a young Alligator mississippiensis that I caught as part of a local research project in southeastern Louisiana in August 2006.

12-29-15, 06:40 PM

Am I doing it right?

12-29-15, 06:41 PM
Well...it has eyes....lol

12-29-15, 06:56 PM
My gray rat snake and albino gopher, pretty cool peepers. This rat snake is quickly becoming my favorite in terms of temperament and personality :D

http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n127/Humble308/IMG_20151207_202942556_zps5erfpzap.jpg (http://s111.photobucket.com/user/Humble308/media/IMG_20151207_202942556_zps5erfpzap.jpg.html)
http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n127/Humble308/IMG_20151221_134251658_zpslma1mr3q.jpg (http://s111.photobucket.com/user/Humble308/media/IMG_20151221_134251658_zpslma1mr3q.jpg.html)

12-30-15, 04:15 AM
Here's a few of mine, such variety!

http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/Other%20Photos/IMG_2082_zpszkgxk9pk.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/Other%20Photos/IMG_2082_zpszkgxk9pk.jpg.html)

http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/Other%20Photos/IMG_2730_zpshdtpme6i.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/Other%20Photos/IMG_2730_zpshdtpme6i.jpg.html)

http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/Other%20Photos/IMG_2155_zpsls7ctz2s.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/Other%20Photos/IMG_2155_zpsls7ctz2s.jpg.html)

(I'm so glad her head rub is finally gone! But this shows her pretty eyes very well. :) )
http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/Other%20Photos/IMG_2318_zpskzaam8ov.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/Other%20Photos/IMG_2318_zpskzaam8ov.jpg.html)

http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/Other%20Photos/IMG_2927_zpsjdkxdz1u.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/Other%20Photos/IMG_2927_zpsjdkxdz1u.jpg.html)

http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/Other%20Photos/IMG_0100_zpslwhftypg.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/Other%20Photos/IMG_0100_zpslwhftypg.jpg.html)

12-30-15, 02:11 PM
Here's a close up of Rachel's eye. Love the way the markings on Boas' continue through the eye - stunning...

12-30-15, 02:50 PM
That is a beautiful photo! Thank you for sharing!

12-30-15, 06:56 PM
Big snake girl, is the 3rd picture of that boa a sunglow morph? Don't bash new if I'm wrong... I'm just trying to learn lol

12-30-15, 07:35 PM
Big snake girl, is the 3rd picture of that boa a sunglow morph? Don't bash new if I'm wrong... I'm just trying to learn lol

Yeah, she's my sunglow. :)

12-30-15, 08:27 PM
Yeah, she's my sunglow. :)
shes pretty.

Tiny Boidae
12-30-15, 10:03 PM
Oh I can't help myself. These are all really old photos so forgive me for only having a few. I think it's about time I showed some of my animals.

Here's a hatchling Xiu and one of my anery males showing off his cute black eyes and "mustache".



01-01-16, 10:44 PM
So fun! I love their eyes and it's fascinating to see the differences in species. My kingsnake Eir's eyes are hard to photograph because her pupils are so large and her eyes are sort of hidden [instead of bulging like my BRB]. They're like a blue-grey/steely blue color.

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/941013_10208497114370480_5321487777968808645_n.jpg ?oh=8ed3ddfaac0fed29446570e1bec599eb&oe=570763FA

My Brazilian rainbow boa, Xango, has really light grey eyes that remind me of marble.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/993849_10208497115330504_6676351391438834381_n.jpg ?oh=df4e7a10cfb8db8d4aa046e16b2c5a32&oe=570127F7
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/69086_10208497116050522_6850122785565439895_n.jpg? oh=36a2614ba0f91304f216437a1ee329a7&oe=5748C991

01-01-16, 11:07 PM
Eir is looking great! Thanks for sharing!

01-01-16, 11:39 PM
Aha that was actually a really old picture! It's the best one I have of her eye color though. That was back in like July.

01-01-16, 11:43 PM
Here's them peepers

01-02-16, 12:13 AM
Love that frog and retic!

01-02-16, 12:22 AM
Love that frog and retic!

Thanks Mink the ball has like blue eyes but I guess you can't see them in that picture as well as on my phone lol
My frog waaaa spying on me early morning as I was getting dressed for work lol

01-02-16, 12:38 AM
Lol, creeper frog O___O

01-02-16, 12:47 AM
Lol, creeper frog O___O

Yes he is lol taking the peep show at 4am lol

01-02-16, 05:51 AM
That frog has crazy eyes and is a creeper haha.

01-05-16, 08:46 PM
I'm loving all these photos! This is mercy's eye, reminds me of granite haha :)