View Full Version : Geckos and paludarium.

Conner Richter
12-27-15, 07:27 PM
Okay so sorry for not posting for a while but i just didnt have any questions.Anyways i really love my two baby beardies and now i want something else.The reptile bug has bit me,LOL.Anyways i want either a crested or gargoyle gecko.However i also want a oscar fish,i have a 55 gallon for the oscar however then i got thinking,what if i built a paludarium.I would basiclly put the oscar in the 55 and then perhaps build a screen cage for the gecko above the 55 gallon.I was just wondering how i would block off the gecko from the water.Any and all help for ideas is greatly appreciated.:)

12-27-15, 07:34 PM
As awesome as an idea that is, it wouldn't work. Your gecko would quickly.become food for a hungry oscar if it fell into the water. Oscar also jump for theor food, so even if the gecko didn't fall in, the oscar may jump and snatch it. Now, if you want to do that with smaller ciclids or other freshwater fish, that's fine. But larger ciclids like iscars, jack dempsys, even parrot fish would kill your gecko 'eventually'.

Conner Richter
12-28-15, 01:53 AM
As awesome as an idea that is, it wouldn't work. Your gecko would quickly.become food for a hungry oscar if it fell into the water. Oscar also jump for theor food, so even if the gecko didn't fall in, the oscar may jump and snatch it. Now, if you want to do that with smaller ciclids or other freshwater fish, that's fine. But larger ciclids like iscars, jack dempsys, even parrot fish would kill your gecko 'eventually'.
Ok thanks,do you think it would work with some african cichlids,or are they off the list 2.

12-28-15, 08:09 AM
You can try the smaller ones. I'm not a ciclid expert so not sure which ones stay small, so you'll have to research.

12-28-15, 08:28 AM
Lake Malwai cichlids like most are fairly aggressive. Even though their mouths won't be big enough to eat a gecko they could certaintly beat one up. If it has to be cichlids Lake Tanganika shell dwellers would be a bit more peaceful. Or could look into other fish, a 55g gives a range of options.

Also how would got access the aquarium for feeding, maintenance?

12-28-15, 11:45 AM
I have a 55 that has 2 hoods instead of one, each covering half of the tank. If you find a similar hood (and it might even be a standard hood for a 20L) then you could use it on one side and build the gecko portion above the other. This would give you a place to put a HOB or run pipes for a canister, a tank light, and a lid for feeding.

On the gecko half I'd go for a solid floor. If access to the water is important then I'd cut a hole in the floor to install a mesh breeding refugium in. That'd protect the gecko from the fish. Either gecko that you mentioned would do well in a 20 gallon enclosure so half a 55 easily provides enough floor space.

Conner Richter
12-28-15, 12:20 PM
Lake Malwai cichlids like most are fairly aggressive. Even though their mouths won't be big enough to eat a gecko they could certaintly beat one up. If it has to be cichlids Lake Tanganika shell dwellers would be a bit more peaceful. Or could look into other fish, a 55g gives a range of options.

Also how would got access the aquarium for feeding, maintenance?
Alright thanks,i will look into other fish as options

Conner Richter
12-28-15, 12:22 PM
I have a 55 that has 2 hoods instead of one, each covering half of the tank. If you find a similar hood (and it might even be a standard hood for a 20L) then you could use it on one side and build the gecko portion above the other. This would give you a place to put a HOB or run pipes for a canister, a tank light, and a lid for feeding.

On the gecko half I'd go for a solid floor. If access to the water is important then I'd cut a hole in the floor to install a mesh breeding refugium in. That'd protect the gecko from the fish. Either gecko that you mentioned would do well in a 20 gallon enclosure so half a 55 easily provides enough floor space.
That is a really good idea.I might have to go hood hunting now.:D