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View Full Version : Went looking for a red eyed tree frog, came home with this

12-25-15, 10:31 PM
Santa a.k.a. my husband agreed to bring me red eyed tree frogs to hang out on my work desk this year.

We went looking for them but couldn't find any captive bred red eyes in our area, and it's too cold to ship them to South Dakota right now. We wandered several pet shops, getting discouraged.

We found this little guy, a White's tree frog. Commonly known as "dumpy" tree frogs, they have similar care requirements to red eyes. He was alone and huddled in a corner. His companions had been sold. He had a face only a mother could love and was far from the eye candy we were looking for but he came home with us. My husband says we should turn the terrarium around so it faces the wall.

He is SUPER friendly and actually likes being held, unlike other frog species. He hopped onto my hand and I had to scrape him off back into his cage, at which point he immediately hopped right back on. I have never seen anything like it.

http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j141/GreytNut/20151224_203508_zpsffjnl4pi_edit_1451025005990_zps 0lo9e7kt_edit_1451081217017_zps9mzvnx0v.jpg

http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j141/GreytNut/20151224_203249_zpsrdntlt8u_edit_1451024993885_zps dhcka0e5_edit_1451081296850_zps1ozsen9z.jpg

http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j141/GreytNut/20151224_204158_zpsbp1bditw_edit_1451024648083_zps j5j3khfx.jpg

But there was another surprise. When my husband checked on him before bed he took this photo.

http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j141/GreytNut/2543_zpsndu7fzfm_edit_1451080301245_zpskcsypqrr.jp eg

And this is him now. He is a baby blue morph, but he was so stressed and miserable in the pet shop that he had turned purplish brown.

http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j141/GreytNut/20151225_131516_zpsor4o1phg_edit_1451080157137_zps ffj4wzsr.jpg

http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j141/GreytNut/20151225_131546_zps1l74yk9r_edit_1451080189354_zps uta5tee1.jpg


The terrarium is an Exo Terra glass rainforest habitat, 18" wide x 18" deep x 24" high. Background, vines and some plants were included but I subbed out some of them. There's a half coconut shell hut and a large water dish that he likes to sit in. Substrate is clay hydro balls covered with mesh and topped with coconut mulch and sphagnum moss.

Now that he's shown his true colors his name is Turquoise. He actually could be a she (we won't know until the frog is mature) so we're sticking with gender neutral gemstone names. He / she will be getting a couple of friends soon because dumpies do better in groups. Depending on their colors they might be Jade, Peridot, Topaz, Larimar or even Amethyst.

12-25-15, 10:35 PM
Awww...the pics aren't showing. =(

12-25-15, 11:06 PM
OK, fixed it!

12-25-15, 11:15 PM
He's a cutie!

12-26-15, 09:08 AM
Awww I just LOVE frogs and he sure is a cute one!!

Salty Rob
12-26-15, 08:16 PM
They are awesome frogs to keep. Can be loud at times but still awesome