View Full Version : snake skin problems Please Help

12-25-15, 06:47 PM
Please Help I live in az and I have had a red tail boa for about 3 years now never had any issues with skin or eating been a very healthy snake for a long time but today I got him out of his home and looked at his head and there is white spots and a large piece of skin missing off of his nose I feel very bad for him and I don't know what it is I'll post a picture of it so you all can see but please help me as I have never encountered this problem before :(

12-25-15, 08:47 PM
Based on that picture, it looks like a wound that was caused by rubbing. Clean the wound with a disinfectant, then apply an antibiotic ointment. Next you'll need to identify what part of the enclosure the snake rubbed on, and find a way to eliminate it. The final step is to figure out what triggered the rubbing behavior (appetite, improper temperatures, desire to mate, etc.), and address that part, if possible.

12-26-15, 10:11 PM
there wasn't originally a wound there it looked like just a piece of skin from when he last shed also there is white spots next to the wound that were never there that piece of skin fell of after a few hours I touched it to see if it was just a little piece left over from his last shed and that entire piece of skin fell off I freaked out naturally and the white spot look almost like mold on his skin
do you still think its from him rubbing he's never been seen doing that before and I'm just worried he might have skin rott

12-26-15, 10:22 PM
I 100% agree with nightflight. i see a lot of people on here post about their snake having skin issues and not knowing the cause and 9 times out of 10 its usually self harm. I would definitely do what nightflight recommended :)

Albert Clark
12-27-15, 03:29 AM
The condition looks very suspicious for a fungal or bacterial issue. What are your current temps in the enclosure? Ambient and hot spot ? Humidity and warm and cool idea ? What type of hides and substrate? Are the skin lesions on any part of his body? I would consider a herp vet if the condition remains the same and doesn't respond to your first line treatment. Make sure he doesn't have a mite infestation.