View Full Version : Looking for feedback :)

12-18-15, 09:35 PM
I'm continuously working on it, so its still changing and some links won't work and some sections don't exist. But please take a gander and tell me what you think so far? All photos included in the webpage were taken by me during a little photoshoot i set up on my dining room table with some mulch, an aquarium log, and a bed sheet.


Does it seem like a good set up so far?

12-24-15, 03:16 PM
Nice site. I like the layout and pictures. The link to whats for sale dosent seem to work. Is that simply becayse you dont have anything for sale ATM?

Snake Plissken
12-24-15, 03:22 PM
Just so you know it's a Colombian, not Columbian. I'll look some more.

12-24-15, 06:04 PM
Nice so far. I would suggest in the about me section you put a picture of yourself. People like to see who they are dealing with, it makes it more personable.