View Full Version : Drinking water

12-18-15, 04:21 PM
Okay so I've been worried that my snake hasn't been drinking enough water. I know he must have been drinking water, I've just barely seen him do it once.

I've been wondering if the water temperature is too cold or too warm for him to drink. Are there any preferred temps for the drinking water?

My snake has a tendency to poop in the water only when it is warm enough, so I occasionally fill the water tub with hot water (maybe 29-30°C). That only lasts a day, then the temperature drops to about 23-25°C. This must be a bit cool for him, but then again drinking water shouldn't be warm... I appreciate any advice or info.


12-18-15, 04:54 PM
Snakes are excellent for holding in moisture and not needing to drink as often. I notice that it's a BCI and boids tend to be even better at retaining any moisture in themselves than colubrids. You should be fine.

12-18-15, 04:54 PM
Snakes usually drink water when we aren't watching. I wouldn't worry about it unless you see clear signs of dehydration. Just make sure fresh water is available. Check for urates (solid white or yellow stuff -- this is pee!). Room temperature water should be fine for drinking water. 29-30 C is okay for bathing. Many snakes defecate in their water bowls when they bathe.

12-18-15, 05:28 PM
Thanks for the replies.
I don't think my water drops below room temperature ever so I will probably be fine.
A bit of irony I noticed. The little fellow was actually drinking as I review my own post... :)

12-18-15, 05:56 PM
I have one BP that drinks too much water it seems. Every time I check the water bowl has gone down a few mm till it's almost empty...

Then sure enough I'll come home one day to find the entire tub a pool of urine...

Thanks little buddy